Return to Index › NYT's Roger Cohen on David Cameron's win - "David Cameron Cruises Home"
#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-09
Re NYT's Roger Cohen on David Cameron's win - "David Cameron Cruises Home"

I found interesting Boris Johnsons proposal for a federal UK. Germany is a federal republic, as is Russia, and the US has a federal system also. Cameron is now facing new challenges, a more nationalist Scotland which will want to join the EU, and a conservative leaning England who might want out of the EU. Be interesting to see how he intends to reconcile a nationalist northern part of the UK, with England, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Curious - 2015-05-08
NYT's Roger Cohen on David Cameron's win - "David Cameron Cruises Home"

Hi guys,
It's great to have access to Roger Cohen's thinking about the future of the UK but any comments about what you feel will be the short/medium-term direction of the UK would also be read with interest.

Resentment against immigrants (portrayed as freeloading on Britain’s welfare state) and Brussels bureaucracy has been rising, swelled by stagnation, the travails of the euro and high unemployment in Continental Europe. A two-year period of uncertainty over Britain’s place in Europe, at the least, is now inevitable.

To leave the E.U. would be reckless. It would isolate Britain. It would consign it to little-Englandism. The Scots, pro-European, would step up their drive to go it alone (and stay in the E.U. as an independent nation). Corporations based here are drawn by access to the European market; some of them may well pick up and go.

Cameron is now promising that the economic recovery will begin to be felt by more people. Up to now, household incomes have scarcely grown; new growth has not translated into a new sense of well-being. It is true that unemployment, at 5.6 percent, is half the level of the eurozone; so true, in fact, that Cameron won. His core challenge now is to spread a sense of prosperity beyond booming London and prove that a buoyant Britain is not just buoyant for the privileged few.
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