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Rheno747, B.A., M.A., PhD, Hard Knocks U - 2006-05-24
Biased websites beware - Teachers Discussion

Those people who complain the site's gone to a bunch of losers badmouthing are simply those who have been using it to make TESOL out to be a "heaven on earth" job and now must go find some other site to post their propaganda.

Their ruse goes something like this, I'm sure:

TESOL trainers post glowing testimony on sites like this one telling about how great TESOL is. They then direct their students to those sites and those pollyanna posts. The students, not knowing any better, accept the biased propaganda and fan out across the globe believing they're getting into something great.

I've wondered why I'll post one innocent-looking message on a site such as this one or tesall.com and five thousand people will view it before sundown. I'll then post another message that hardly anyone looks at after six months. What is going on? People are being HERDED, that's what's going on. Newbies are being directed to look at one post and ignore others. If a post of mine can be used by these interested types for propaganda purposes, it will be viewed a LOT. If the interested types can use one of my posts to make me look like I've got an 'attitude problem' or don't know what I'm talking about, that post will see lots of views. Those that are more neutral will see few views.

Sure, some things ARE great in TESOL. But there'd be a lot more greatness if people knew what to avoid when jumping in at the get-go. There'd be a lot more greatness if people knew how to defend themselves from lies and liars. I help newbies acquire that knowledge. Some of the greenies may decide, after reading one of my posts, that TESOL may not be for them. That's too bad, really. But the truth must be told, and I'm a guy who will tell it.

Many of the intersted folks have disappeared from these sites because the progaganda pie is being spoiled by guys like me, guys who insist on making sure the green types have all the information they need before getting on airplanes. These plants no longer herd their students to come here, as there are now posts that "tell it like it is" right along side their own biased pollyanna posts. Naturally, they don't want their students knowing the truth, so they don't herd those students this way. Nope, it's no surprise this website has grow awfully quiet over the months since I started posting.

But I have a surprise for you interested folk. I'll be heading back to the USA in the coming weeks and will be finding a new career. I'll eventually return to TESOL, but not anytime soon. When I'm in my mid-50's, perhaps I'll delve back into this business.

But for now, I'll be turning into a spider. Yeap, I'm going to 'fan out' in the coming months and find as many of these 'loaded' websites I can and crash those sites' HARD with my 'battleship Rheno' posts. There is a lot of bullshit in TESOL that people need to know about. I'm going to make sure they learn it. I may even write the Washington Post describing all my great times and not-so-great times. Enjoy the gravy train, you interested types. It's about to get real bumpy.

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