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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-05-18
Re Follow up to the hidden side of American history

If speaking out against bullshit prevents me from getting a teaching job - then I don't think I'll be wanting to work there!

Honest foreigners have far less reason to be scared than those with vested interests do.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-16
Re Follow up to the hidden side of American history

Fair enough, and I wish to apologize, I had just woke up when I read your post. Yes, I did say a bit too much in that post but so what? I have not been posting as much as previously. And if SB is happy in Vietnam, good for him I say. Personally, I feel it mixes things up a bit, this board has become a bit sino-centric imho.

I am sorry for being a bit snappy again.

Good day,

#3 Parent Robert - 2015-05-16
Re Follow up to the hidden side of American history

That's your decision to make, you can always try Vietnam, like SB is doing, another, who said too much, on this board.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-15
Re Follow up to the hidden side of American history

Yes, it is common knowledge. And I can still get s job in China, I would just need to return to the UK first. But why would I? No wife there and low wages and inflation and xenophobia. But I expect I will get CL telling me I like to 'play' the victim....despite being employed in H.K. and having worked all my life previous to China, yet now I can't even vote or get benefits in the UK. So yeah, if that's me being bitter, I am afraid you and him will just have to lump it!!

#5 Parent Robert - 2015-05-15
Re Follow up to the hidden side of American history

Yes, there have been spies on here for some time. That's why some can't get a teaching position, in China.
Some advice, watch would you say.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-15
Re Follow up to the hidden side of American history

Yes, there is something sinister about people who are determined to dispute people are who they say they are.

Certainly post nothing more on here, there are spies everywhere!!!!

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