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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-24
Re: Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

Thanks for the response.

I will be flying to LA for an audition so I will let you know how the new terminal is there.

Yes, the USA should have high speed rail, in Spain bar the odd delay it was excellent as I remember. In VIP class, you can charge your laptop and complimentary drinks. I still preferred fifty minutes by plane from Alicante to Madrid however, even if it coated a little more.

Good luck Fifi.

#2 Parent Fifi - 2015-05-24
Re: Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

High speed trains are not in the culture of the USA: It's seen as "socialist". Everybody has to have two vehicle (a SUV and a smaller car). Public transportation is only for students and immigrants.
The stupid Republican Congress does not want to allocate money for infrastructure.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-24
Re: Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

I am not doubting that things are not picking back up, but the infrastructure is far behind other countries. Third world airports (LaGuardia) which has been roasted by many an american celebrity/politician, no high speed rail, and even bridges which need maintaining/updating.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2015-05-23
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

Great post. As someone with Chinese heritage I always experienced the most discrimination from my tribe of origin so to speak. In the USA where I'm from the most prevalent form of discrimination at least in the mainstream stems from the issue of Race. However, you could be of the same skin color, language background, religious/secular beliefs or whatnot and there will still be discrimination based on the village of where your great-great grandfather came from with the chinese in general. It is quite odd and silly. I think part of my time in the ESL industry which was spent in China taught me that no matter how badly someone of a different heritage treats you, none is as bad as someone of chinese blood. To these people the Label of having "chinese" origin is treated as a Slave Brand to give them the excuse of treating you like crap.

The chinese in general should live their anti-western values and stop buying western made stuff and stop enabling discrimination if they really cared about what they said. The problem is we are talking about a whole group of folks who can't even understand the words that come out of their own mouths. 4th rate education at its finest.

#5 Parent Fifi - 2015-05-23
Re: Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

The economy of the US is back on its feet.
Not bankrupt at all.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-23
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

I don't agree with the wanker, but I reckon Russia or India even may do better than china or the west in the long run. China can impose its power only through its economy, they have to buy ex soviet warships from the bankrupt Ukraine, like a decent aircraft, they can't seem to make one. Then they used stockings full of hair to clean up an oil spill, and buy new Zealand milk because their own is toxic. The EU is bankrupt, and the USA is in debt with creaking infrastructure and third world airports.

I do hope the wanker goes away though.

#7 Parent Curtis - 2015-05-23
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

Also don't think foreigners are poor and you are not. This generation of young Chinese men either make a shit salary or don't work at all because their corrupt government official parents spoon feed them everything. You yourself probably don't have any money either.

#8 Parent Curtis - 2015-05-23
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

Before someone has the chance to say itI will yes my above post has mistakes in it. I am using my phone and typing quickly,so I don't care as long as you understand,so Mr wumao wish he was a fu er dai everyday normal chinese guy who started this thread don't attack my poor spelling as a rebutle as I am aware of it.

That seems to be the ultimate refuge for people who can't prove their points they just attack the spelling and grammar of their opponents.

I am sure since you are on this board it's fair enough to say your English is better than the everyday Chinese person and in someway you are involved with a training center. You also probably met some 22 year old kid who is a vacation teacher whose shitty teaching or prowesswithlocalwomen has pissed you off.

If your goal is to come on here and shit talk unqualified teachers your preaching to the choir. I often troll people on here and the general consensus is training center teachers are crap and there are a lot of horrible foreigners in China. However you could spread this message to parents and other Chinese people. But your coming on here ranting hints you have more racially motivated reasons and insecurities.

Chinese men in general feel they have to tell you how strong they are and how strong China is. Overcompensating. I feel people like you who I have met feel China should be number one, but history didn't work out that way. English and western culture have permanently and are continuing to influence human society as a whole. 50 years from now you won't see Chinese be used more Chinese language learners in the world than English. You won't see Chinese popular culture spread around the world the way the west does . Outside of China you won't see Chinese actors or singers percieved by girls as sex symbols. Yes you will have more economic influence but I would hope so, you have 4 America's in your country. Your huge, but for that reason the quality of life will always be crap for most of your people.

I like China I do, but it's got a lot of problems. Chinese people are so proud of their housing prices, why? They say our houses cost more than in western countries. Great the average income in China can buy you an average priced apatment after about 100 years assuming you don't eat or spend any money during that time. Your houisng prices reflect how shit your lives are. You need to work all the time and cheat , break the law , and steal to be able to buy a shit apartment that isn't even an apartment, more like a cement box. Housing in western countries is much more affordable to the local population's average income.

I feel bad for you. But as I said I dont 看不起 you, I Justin 珍惜 my life as a white westerner. Even if I am a complete moron with no education I can still have a decent life compared to the average Chinese person. That is the reason I think you are posting. You are jealous. Although cock size could also have something to do with it.

#9 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-23
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

You clearly have racial insecurity issues.

You are 100 percent correct about this wumao nob.

#10 Parent Curtis - 2015-05-23
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

You clearly have racial insecurity issues. Everything you say is coming from a place of hate and jealousy. I myself have deliberately trolled the likes of Turnoi and Silverboy in the past, but everything they say on this website comes from experience not a sense of racial superiority over Chinese people. A lot of people still看不起中国人,but do you know who they are? Other中国人。You talk about yourselves as this great nation and how you love your country. Loving your country doesn't mean hating Japan. In means loving your own people even if they come from inner provinces. It means paying taxes. It means not cheating your own people. For every one foreigner who has been cheated by a Chinese boss I'm sure that boss cheated 10 times as many Chinese employees.

Westerners generally help each other. Chinese people say they love China but I never saw a Chinese person help a sttanger. I feel bad for you and your country, but I don't hate you. I also dont看不起 you.

I was born white, meaning I have white privilege. Geenrally throughout most of the world I will be treated better because I am white. I didnt ask for this thats how it is. You Chinese people can't complain about this because you perpetuate white privilege. You hire white faces as teachers over more qualified people of color.

It's easier for white guys to get girls if you account all things being equal a Chinese guy with my income wouldnt even be given the time of day by most Chinese girls . Again you perpetuate white privilege. I won't lie and say I dont enjoy it and it is a reality. In western countries the main theme in education now is equity. We have evolved in our society to find that inportant . In my country people will be treat you a Chinese person more equally to me than they would in China. That is why our culture is more advanced than than yours. You may have a lot of people but your society is still backwards and behind us by a thousand years.

You still complaib about the history and don't get me wrong Japan treated you like shit and so did western coubtries , so you think the world is backwards because the west is the main cultural and economic influence. In fact your culture is flawed, that is not me being ignorant I lived in China a long time, and I am also critical of my own society. But not today.

Take a hike wumao while I go fool around with my hot Chinese girlfriend you could never get. You always pay for sex. I never do. Hahaha 西方万岁

#11 Parent Dante - 2015-05-20
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

Chinese girls rather go with a broke laowai than a rich Chinese guy, jealous much?

#12 Parent w.g. - 2015-05-19
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

U do better correcting the english of your people in your own country. I saw a western newspaper from an english speaking country with grammar mistakes. Help them, they needed more than the mandarin speaking chinese.

#13 Parent w.g. - 2015-05-19
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

all foreigner talk is how bad others are with them. It's call baby-adults.they sound more like girls than man.

#14 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-19
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

First, improve your spoken and written English.

This is the year 2015, not the 19th Century.

chinese always cheated - 2015-05-18
broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

This is year 2015 no 1900.

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