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#1 Parent Dante - 2015-05-21
Re old china, old HK, old world

I have to disagree. I can't talk about Indians but have you ever tried to stare at Chinese people the same way they stare at foreigners to see what happen? I did... and they did not like it AT ALL!

Most of them asked me (in Chinese) if I have a problem, some with a very aggressive tone, and trust me I know how to differentiate a friendly Chinese from an angry one, I speak fluent Mandarin. One guy almost punched me, do you know why? Because it is considered rude to stare at people in Chinese culture, just like most other cultures. The only exception is when those being stared at are foreigners, then they are expected to put up with it for they are guests in China and if they are not happy then GTF back to Foreignland.

Is it a form of racism? Somehow yes, not violent racism, but double standards based on one's ethnicity. Sure foreigners, especially Caucasians, get treated better in many ways when living in China, but they are also seen as dancing monkeys who only exist to repeat hello and entertain their hosts (the local Chinese). However I did notice that people have much more respect for me when I am wearing a suit on working days than when I have a T and shorts during my days off, not surprising since Chinese culture is very superficial and the outlook matters a lot more than everything else to them.

Now why am I still in China? I love it, I love my Chinese girlfriend and I make lots of money here, I am not working in the ESL industry since not a native English speaker, but I am still working in the education field.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-21
Re old china, old HK, old world

South Asians are also prone to this irritating behaviour. I am avoiding eating at an Indian temple where I usually enjoy the vegetarian food because of the staring and gossiping and personal questions.

I think it is also a question of culture, in countries like China and India with the population well into the billion plus mark, life is expendable and invading ones personal "bubble" is seen as the norm, unlike in the West where we prefer to maintain a distance and keep our personal space, this is simply an unknown in the minds of your average Chinese person/Indian person.

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