Return to Index › Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.
#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-23
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

China is on the right track.

I want to bash my head into this PC keyboard, instead I think I'll just sit and stare glumly into the monitor for a few minutes, and then listen to some Enigma to lighten my mood.


Yeah, it's on the right track alright, the right track to reducing your life expectancy, good luck making it to 60 if you live there much longer.

#2 Parent Onchonch - 2015-05-22
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

The shaming doesn't seem to work anymore, those virgin Chinese boys keep calling Chinese women who go with foreigners all sorts of bad names (e.g. race traitor) but the women don't seem to care anymore, they enjoy their life and screw those haters. China is on the right track.

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