Return to Index › laowai are sooooo difficult.
#1 Parent Jack - 2015-05-25
Re laowai are sooooo difficult.

Exactly, I am here to steal your money and your women, whatcha gonna do about that?

#2 Parent Wang - 2015-05-24
Re laowai are sooooo difficult.

bs bs bs..you are in china because you have a business in china because you can't make money in any other place. stop bs.

#3 Parent w.g. - 2015-05-24
Re laowai are sooooo difficult.

It does not make sense your country is that much better and same time your country borrows a lot of money from communist china.

#4 Parent Jack - 2015-05-24
Re laowai are sooooo difficult.

Agreed, China is a joke, there are only two reasons why I am here, to make some quick bucks and fool around with local women. I own a recruitment agency, I am trying to set up my office to be operated remotely then I am out to better shores. I must keep an office here for legal purposes, otherwise my job can be done through the internet, but living in China full time? No way! I might come back once or twice per year for the usual administrative shit and it won't take more than a few days.

#5 Parent Curtis - 2015-05-24
Re laowai are sooooo difficult.

My country is a paradise compared to China. For every one person from my country who goes to China there are hundreds of Chinese who come here. Before you get the chance to say then why do foreigners from my country come to China if my country is so good, that's because it's fun. Ask them if they would raise a family in China and settle there they would laugh in your face. there are 80 some countries in the world with a better standard of living than China. I think theres less than ten countries in the world marginally better than mine. Hahaha, stop trying to think China is better than everyone, cuz it's not even close .

China has a better standard of living than western europe...... had hundreds of years ago.

Hahaha try catching up China we are waiting for you here in the first world. See you in about 200 years.

#6 Parent Ray O. - 2015-05-24
Re laowai are sooooo difficult.

To: Curtis. You're a hypocrite. Do you want a list of the things screw up in your country. When the sh3t is fixed there, then talk about China/others countries.

#7 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-24
Re laowai are sooooo difficult.

Not laowai, wai guo ren thanks very much.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-24
Re laowai are sooooo difficult.

I agree Democracy would not work there, they are all too bloody selfish to appreciate it. It would just be an open door for even more corruption and deceit.

#9 Parent Curtis - 2015-05-23
Re laowai are sooooo difficult.

It is not that we want to be leaders, but that Chinese people are not natural leaders. It's part of your culture, Chinese people need to be told what to do. Democracy would never work in China because your society is still too far behind the west. Chinese people can't make their own decisions. You need someone to be your boss and lead you, where it is a foreigner or a few guys at the top of the communist party.

The same way you young children need their parents to tell them what to do.
Even though your culture is old, your culture and society are still babies. Underdeveloped and immature.
Maybe in another 5000 years you can grow up.

You have to remember, even though China is growing its just because you have a lot of people. China is still this silly place where people litter and make things that break. I know China has a big military now, but if they are anything like the Chinese police I have seen then it is just a massive peasant army. Low quality. The US army doesnt respect the Chinese military. They pay attention to you, but they have to know China is a bit of a joke.

Everyonoe always talks about what would happen if there was a war. China would lose because all the people operating missile defense and radar, and intelligence would be caught off gaurd by the US and would not be able to respond. Probably because they are lazy so they downloaded QQ and other Tencent programs onto their work station. As a result all the computers would freeze. America would destroy you while you computre is still loading.

Wang - 2015-05-23
laowai are sooooo difficult.

laowai want to be bosses and tell chinese how to do things.

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