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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-05-25
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

Don't blame us for things being unfair, make an effort. If you can't gain an advantage over the foreigners, at least gain an advantage over your classmates! Come on, you aren't going to laid sitting in the internet cafe, are you?

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-24
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

A good post, but the same could be levelled at boys who went to an all boys public school in England. Nothing good can come of segregation. I've seen it in the Gulf arab world also, painfully shy boys who don't know how to talk to their own girls, or try to impress them by being macho or something like that.

Education is the key here, but China won't get it. Proper sex education, not the bullshit biology they teach.......

#3 Parent w.g. - 2015-05-23
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

you are unfair. young chinese have no much experience with woman in general before 21 years old. wester young men date and sleep with women early in their life in their country. wester young man have many more years of experience of how to date woman. chinese young man have no much experience before 20 with drugs, liquor, party. western young knows all that very early in their life. young western watch very ealy tv, movie, magazine of woman and relations. chinese young man very little.

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-05-23
Re broke laowai (foreigner) want to be important in China.

It's always the younger Chinese men that complain about 'African students seducing the Chinese girl,' lol. Same about all other foreign men in general, even other Asian men from wealthier countries (such as Koreans) seem to get despised now, never mind white or black people.

May I suggest to these frustrated little virgins, that it isn't even a dick size/money/blonde hair and blue eyes thing? If anything, being well hung can be disadvantageous imo.

These little Chinese boys don't seem to know how to interact with other people, never mind flirt. The one child policy is responsible for that and also responsible for their sense of self entitlement, they are spoilt beyond belief and are often rude.

Also, when they get a girl into their apartment, they are often said to pretty much try to rape her... Little animals with no understanding of the world outside the Gaokao exams that they have spent all their teens preparing for, will naturally revert to basic animal instincts.

Whereas most foreign men know how to seduce, kiss properly, do foreplay well etc. It seems that almost every Chinese girl I've slept with has never had another man go down on her, how dumb is that? Chinese men need to learn how to compete, they've actually got an advantage over foreigners thanks to language skills, access to better paying jobs and side businesses, being able to easily get a driving licence, being the safe and traditional option that can easily be presented to grandparents etc, yet they lack in the most basic of sexual skills.

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