Return to Index › Naive FT in China
#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-24
Re Naive FT in China

What a load of tripe.

An ft in China can leave anytime they like, unlike mainland Chinese.

#2 Parent Curtis - 2015-05-24
Re Naive FT in China

Why do you all go to the west then. So many of you and a handful of us. Let me tell you about the west. We are suffering and I use that word slightly of over education. Meaning there are no history jobs or philosophy jobs but alot of highly educated people. Nost those people are now realizing if they learn a trade or a skill they can make a lot of money. In my country skilled tradesmen can make 500,000 Rmb plus a year and this is a job for the everyday man. Not a laoban or a 贪官. There are tons of jobs just not the traditional jobs.we are doing fine. I have a hot Chinese gf and I love the fact there is some chinese guy somewhere without one because there are not enogh girls and too many guys. Haha and us laowai take away more of your girls hahaaha.

Ray O. - 2015-05-24
Naive FT in China

Defending the West so much. In the West FT have: 0 jobs, 0 women, almost no possessions, almost no entertainment, DEBTS...
The West is the reason you bunch end it up in "BAD" China with no hope.

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