Return to Index › laowai are good discussing things always win.
#1 Parent no matter - 2015-05-25
Re laowai are good discussing things always win.

"Why?? their economies are falling with so many smart people with good education."

coz money talks Better than the way ano1 speak english well or not.

#2 Parent Curtis - 2015-05-25
Re laowai are good discussing things always win.

I said I wouldn't criticize China on here anymore because I'm better than that as for the half Chinese half Japanese Wang he is fair game. I read in another thread his grandmother was raped by the Japanese. I would also like to add his mother works as a ktv girl in Tokyo so his Japanese blood is getting more and more pure with each generation.

Oh I forgot I would also like to wire you 4 kuai. Can you tell me your bank account Mr wang. I still owe your mom 4 kuai from last time.

Wang - 2015-05-25
laowai are good discussing things always win.

Why?? their economies are falling with so many smart people with good education.

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