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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-28
Re Prince Sultan University

A couple of things to be wary of, if you are considering teaching in the KSA.

1) Your passport will be kept by your employer. Should you get in any trouble whatsoever it may be difficult to get it back, should you need to. In some cases you may be asked to get a letter from the local police to ensure you have no outstanding charges/debts. Be prepared for this, I don't know about this university but it is pretty standard for your employer to hold your passport in the KSA from what I have been told, and read on eslcafe. I would not risk it.

2) The textbooks routinely teach anti-american and anti-jewish/semitic hatred. Saudi Arabia is funding terror groups in the middle east. Given the ongoing crisis in Yemen, and the mistrust between Iran and the Gulf States, do you really want to plant yourself in the middle of a huge war zone?

3) No alcohol or women. Get caught making wine at your own risk!!!

Ask yourself is the salary worth it, and if you can handle living in a trailer in the desert with NOTHING to do, and a lot of office politics from fellow FT's who range from the dipsomaniac to the light fingered and the tight fisted. Or in all cases, sadly, all 3.

Good luck either way,

Joe Soccial - 2015-05-28
Prince Sultan University

I still live in the USA. I have been offered a job at Prince Sultan University in Riyadh. Does anyone know about this school? Is it legitimate? Are they a good place to work? Are they trustworthy? Can I negotiate the salary offer? All advice welcome.

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