Return to Index › To all stop feeding the "baiters"
#1 Parent w.g. - 2015-05-28
Re To all stop feeding the "baiters"

"bad grammar"

who is the idiot. you lecturing about english grammar in china to no enslish students? chinese speak mandarin. you and your buddies speak horrible mandarin.

Twice Shy - 2015-05-28
To all stop feeding the "baiters"

Having read most of the posts and responses two things are immediately clear:

First- There are trolls posting babble and gobbledegook in chinglish to bait the serious visitors to this site. I've read these posts and have come to the realization that these "chinese" are not in fact Chinese but trolls posing as mainlanders to foul up the forum just like Dave's Sperlings troll patrol try to humiliate and harass the posters on his ESL cafe that try to warn teachers about shady companies, scam operators, and horrendous abuses of teachers in Asia. God forbid Daves' income from his advertisers drop to the level that FTs make in the eastern countries.

Second: Stop enabling them by posting endless "answers" to their nonsensical rhetoric. Those posts push down the messages of warnings or advice to teachers who are looking for info regarding an area or company. If you respond do so in an informative and intelligent way with research and history if applicable.

The language, bad grammar, complete lack of forethought, and stupid (yes I said stupid) obvious misinformation used in the hmmmm "baters" posts speak volumes of the writers. Peace.

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