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#1 Parent martin hainan - 2015-06-01
Re WSJ - Has more to say relating to that subject

I grew up in an Asian community, very few of the Han in that community feel Chinese, they
identify themselves to our country

If I may ask, which country is that?

#2 Parent Jack - 2015-06-01
Re WSJ - Has more to say relating to that subject

Today's Mainland Chinese have a hard time to understand that concept, to them anyone racially Han belongs to the great motherland, was is Hongkers, Taiwanese, Singaporeans or Overseas Chinese. And they do not even ask them whether or not they wish to be Chinese. Oh and anything Chinese must be celebrated, recently one British guy whose family came from China and who can't even speak Chinese himself was elected at the parliament, Chinese netizens took personal pride from it, "we Chinese are superior, we will take over Britain parliament, blah blah blah".

I grew up in an Asian community, very few of the Han in that community feel Chinese, they identify themselves to our country and want nothing to do with China. They speak English, eat local food, listen to local music, think like other local people and don't know anything about China beside what their parents/grandparents told them and what they hear in the news.

My bud came to visit me in China, his family emigrated from Fujian province (like most overseas Chinese) to our country more than a century ago, he doesn't speak any Mandarin even less Fujian dialect, we went to his family's hometown and I served as translator, people here in China were mind blown when the "laowai" spoke Mandarin but one of their own couldn't, some of them couldn't accept it and kept saying they don't understand what I say (even though I have a HSK level 6) while talking to my Han friend who can't speak a word of Mandarin. Oh well I guess that's also because most Chinese can't speak proper Mandarin, only their dialect and a mix of it with Putonghua.

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