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#1 Parent Mamamia - 2015-06-02
Re Hey Wang boy, come over here.

Haha, you nailed it. I have had the same experience with Western women in China. They give us angry look for dating Chinese girls, one even called me a traitor, the same women are probably jumping onto Black poles back home but for some reason can't stand the sight of White men with non-White women, were they Asian, Black or else.

Now I love women as a whole, White, Asian, Black, Arab, Latin, ... I love them all, but as you said the choice is rather limited in China and we have a thousand more chances to end up with Chinese chicks than White ladies. I think if I would live in let's say Nigeria my other half would be Black, it's that simple.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-06-01
Re Hey Wang boy, come over here.

One reason is that we tend to meet the white women when they aren't at their best. They tend to feel uncomfortable living in China and therefore aren't exactly positive people to be around. They're far nicer people back home.

Or worse, they are plain and simply self righteous bitches anyway. Some will even give you shit for sleeping with Chinese women, even though Chinese women make up 99.9% of the overall female population and that means we haven't exactly got a great range of choice...

Some are very easy to f*** though, because if they aren't willing to f*** Chinese guys, they've got even less variety to choose from than us! Some of those women couldn't even pay for a screw in China.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-06-01
Re Hey Wang boy, come over here.

Correct, white women, as we have said many times before, and especially in China, tend to be annoying, loud, and overbearing and just not as attractive as Chinese girls/women. That is the plain truth. But then I don't really find Chinese/HK Chinese/Taiwanese girls/women to have many endearing qualities these days, too lazy, materialistic, selfish and xenophobic for my liking.......

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