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#1 Parent Lucy - 2015-06-05
Re TPR American English School, Zhuhai

Thanks for your input but I was hoping for something a little more specific about this particular school. I already teach in China and I've been working in a state school for a couple of years. Suffice it to say, it hasn't all been a bed of roses. I found an ad for this place in looking for a new job. It's owned/run by a foreigner so I thought it might be a better option than some of the other cr** out there.

Anyway, I'm new to this site so no need to get your panties in a twist about 'this kind of query'.

#2 Parent EXTC - 2015-06-04
Re TPR American English School, Zhuhai

We have emphasised this again and again on this board:

Training centres in China are rubbish.

Whilst it's true that there are a number of seriously crappy FT's in China, (most of them in fact) it does not discount from the argument that Chinese TC's are highly unprofessional and well known for their abuse of FT's. Usually, they are unable to resolve the culture gap, and that's assuming they even know anything about education. You'll be lucky to even get a boss/owner who speaks English that well.

It's time to STOP posting this kind of query on this board, and just wave goodbye to China for good, deleting any training centre offers as you go.


Lucy - 2015-06-02
TPR American English School, Zhuhai

Anyone know anything about them? Or have any experience working there? Any information appreciated :)


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