Return to Index › Re (foreign teachers in China) dont respect chinese
#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-06-12
Re (foreign teachers in China) dont respect chinese

Probably another silly chinese girl/woman who thinks a western man owes her a living, and that she should not have to ever open her fake designer purse to pay for anything, along with the usual hobbies of qq, wechat, shopping, and sleeping.

I was very dishearted to find out through facebook of a chinese girl I liked, who had married a foreigner. Now that foreigner lavishes luxuries on her, and she just has a crappy job somewhere.There is a sucker born every minute.I owe no chinese, or asian, woman flight tickets, nice dinners and so on, and trips abroad. If they want to travel, they should pay for it , simple. Western men should not have to pay for Chinese women, they should pay for us, easy.

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