Return to Index › BBC article: Chinese nationals accused of taking SATs for others
#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-06-16
Re WSJ - Has more to say relating to that subject

Yes, no rights conferred to gweilos!!!!

#2 Parent martin hainan - 2015-06-01
Re WSJ - Has more to say relating to that subject

After the reunification of Hong Kong with Mainland China in 1997, although the common-law system was preserved, the abolition of the automatic right of abode by birth was retained. The present law is complicated. Essentially, being born in Hong Kong does not of itself confer any rights. Additional qualifications must be met and are summarised below:

Persons who were born in Hong Kong who also have Chinese nationality are entitled to Hong Kong permanent resident status, regardless of where their parents are from. This was established in a landmark decision by the Court of Final Appeal in Director of Immigration v Chong Fung Yuen.

Persons who were born in Hong Kong who are not of Chinese nationality may be entitled to permanent residence if one of their parents is a permanent resident. In such cases, the entitlement to permanent residence is only valid up to the age of 21, and thereafter these persons must apply for qualification on their own (article 24(2)(5) of the Basic Law).

Persons who were born in Hong Kong who are neither Chinese nationals nor have a parent who is a Hong Kong permanent resident acquire no legal rights by virtue of being born in Hong Kong. If the parents of such persons are living in Hong Kong , they must seek a dependant visa for the child.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-06-01
Re WSJ - Has more to say relating to that subject

There is no such thing as a Hong Kong citizen

Interesting, and what then of someone who is born there, regardless of being chinese or not, but has HKID?

#4 Parent martin hainan - 2015-05-31
Re WSJ - Has more to say relating to that subject

Citizenship and colonial occupation are not propaganda. The first is a legal construct of all nation-states (a cohort that does not include Hong Kong) and the second is a tragic historical event in the history of Hong Kong.

Citizens of the PRC who reside in the special administrative region of Hong Kong are 99% Chinese ancestry. There is no such thing as a Hong Kong citizen. The multicultural multiracial residents of Hong Kong are extremely well endowed with a sense of entitlement and racial superiority, but not PRC citizenship.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-31
Re WSJ - Has more to say relating to that subject


Check this propaganda video that Beijing has made for HK. Sooo, HK is 99 percent Chinese and 1 percent white people then? Unbelievable. Obviously, my eyes are deceiving me and there are no people from india/pakistan/the nepal and other south east asian countries living in HK, not to mention all the expats and tourists from western countries. What a joke!!!

#6 Parent Jack - 2015-05-31
Re WSJ - Has more to say relating to that subject

In China, foreigners are expected to respect and give face to everybody else, but won't receive any themselves, and must accept to be treated like temporary guests with all the harassment and disrespect that comes with it.

#7 Parent obi - 2015-05-30
Re WSJ - Has more to say relating to that subject

Let's not forget the random Chinese parents protest line, when students got kicked out from the gao kao for cheating on mobiles and other devices by the invigilators/teachers at one school and a riot ensued, it went a little something like this:

"It is not fair, if we are not allowed to cheat!"

Ah, so it's only fair as long as you don't get caught. 5,000 years of wonderful, harmonious, honest education.


This link will probably be blocked in China, so I would not even try, you may even get the psb knocking if you do, so best not to, but through a vpn I think it would be cloaked much like youtube:


Students beating teachers....shameful. And this from a country where you are meant to respect elders and teachers.

#8 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-05-30
WSJ - Has more to say relating to that subject
#9 Parent martin hainan - 2015-05-29
Re BBC article: Chinese nationals accused of taking SATs for others

I'm reminded of the first episode of Suits... and the Sopranos episode where Christopher was 'taking' his series 7 exam.
Perhaps the Chinese have some argument for being the originators of national exams, but cheating permeates all cultures.

Curious - 2015-05-29
BBC article: Chinese nationals accused of taking SATs for others

The US Department of Justice has charged 15 Chinese nationals with developing a scheme to have imposters take university entrance exams.

Prosecutors said suspects used fake passports to trick administrators into allowing people other than legitimate test takers to sit the exams.

The scheme took place between 2011 and 2015 mostly in western Pennsylvania, authorities said.
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