Return to Index › Re NYT article: "The Thrill of Political Hating" by Arthur C. Brooks
#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-06-16
Re NYT article: "The Thrill of Political Hating" by Arthur C. Brooks

So, apart from those who have provided photos (I can think of three posters) we can’t see
them in our minds, they can’t see us so we may imagine what they look like and who
they really are if we bother to consider the recipient of our message at all!

I don't think that anyone should feel compelled to provide a photo, just as you felt you had the right not to provide an email. I honestly don't think most people care what each other looks like on here, especially if there are disagreements and some such. It's not a dating site after all.

Anyway,I don't want to get into the whole not providing an email address of an FAO at a certain university in East China topic again,lest I get accused of playing the victim card.

All I will say is this.There is life beyond these boards, and a couple of posters on here are living it, SB for example is not posting as much, presumably due to enjoying his time spent in Thailand.

I have attached a photo to show that I used to enjoy China, walking, and talking with, the locals. Sichuan circa spring 2013.


And a direct link, in case the image code does not work.



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