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#1 Parent re - 2015-06-24
Re White Man Syndrome

The white men that I've encountered that act that way are either ignorant or British.

No. Brits are OK!
#2 Parent White teacher - 2015-06-24
Re White Man Syndrome

I stopped arguing with Chinese people a looooooooonnnnggggg time ago because it's a waste of time and energy, most of them are not science literate to the most basic level. Whenever one of them says something inaccurate, especially stupid beliefs like "mixing hot and cold food will kill you" or "Chinese bodies are different" I smile, nod and move on. I kinda feel sad for them, a life of ignorance and superstitions. The logic of science doesn't apply to NongGuo.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-06-23
Re White Man Syndrome

and will argue with you to the bitter end even if he doesn't have all the facts or is completely proven wrong. He will also find the need to criticize EVERYONE, whether they are close friends or strangers.

Actually, I would say that more closely describes your average middle aged chinese village idiots, who thinks they know everything about the outside world, without ever having been there, and can't resist gawking at the foreigner or making nonsensical stupid remarks such as "All xinjiang ren are thieves" or to someone from south america "Do you think he is "hei ren", ie african, black"

Uneducated, that is most middle aged rural chinese.

#4 Parent Keith Brooks - 2015-06-23
Re White Man Syndrome

Most white men do not act as you say. The white men that I've encountered that act that way are either ignorant or British. Not to bash British people. 90% of British people don't act that way. Americans seem a little cocky, but they fall into the ignorant realm when it comes to WMS. Females are the same way. Most are liberals who think they know what is better for other societies and think that they, themselves, can change an entire civilization by pushing their liberal ideology on others. This is the feminazi point of view. Yes, they will blame the white men who go to Pattaya, but offer no solutions to the problems that the women endure.

Take Saipan, for example, they had a robust economy for years which was fuelled by factories with Korea, Chinese, Philippine and Thai workers. The workers were treated poorly. Al Franken, Liberal extradonair (sic) tried to politicize the entire problem. The factories closed and the workers were sent back to their home country. In the end, the entire Saipan economy collapsed. What did Al Franken do to help Saipan? (crickets) Same thing with Vietnam after the war. The liberals demanded that the USA leave and let Vietnam fight it's own civil war. The north won, the liberals just smiled and millions of Vietnamese died. Never once trying to help.

Same thing in Cambodia. The liberals smiled when the USA left Cambodia, millions died and then when the United Nations came in, they came in right behind to try and change the society they walked away from.

So when you blame white men, blame the liberal morons with no education and/or a piercing belief that they know better than anyone else is to blame. They are the ones who make white men look bad. Also look at those who are the trouble makers who complain about everything. Nothing is good enough for them. They most likely have drinking or serious issues related symptoms that cause them to act that way. They are very angry people.

comment - 2015-06-21
White Man Syndrome

White Man Syndrome (WMS) affects almost all white men. A man with WMS is "always right," and will argue with you to the bitter end even if he doesn't have all the facts or is completely proven wrong. He will also find the need to criticize EVERYONE, whether they are close friends or strangers. In fact, a man with WMS loves criticizing complete strangers, and often embarrasses his friends by doing so, without a care.

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