Return to Index › China esl: Non-Native Speaker jobseekers
#1 Parent Haha - 2015-06-24
Re China esl: Non-Native Speaker jobseekers

You must be new around here. Since when is the law being enforced in China? Anyway without non-native English speakers there will be like 60-70% schools with no foreign teachers, no dancing monkey, no money from the parents, no business, byebye school.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-06-23
Re echinacities

You mean passport information ?

I struggle to see what they gain from a fake printed on bog roll degree that most FTS in China seem to have, i.e, 90 % of foreigners. Good business for those cads and conmen in cow sarnie road though....another way westerners put money into Thailand.

#3 Parent EXTC - 2015-06-23

No one should be applying for or accepting jobs through echinacities. It is a known identity theft website and several hundred FTs will return home to discover they're in a lot of debt due to Chinese stealing. This has been widely reported.

#4 Parent Paul - 2015-06-23
Re China esl: Non-Native Speaker jobseekers

This hiring season they are in trouble. Chinese immigration has instructed school FAOs to avoid hiring them. Those in China without new teaching contracts should exit the country before they are left with no air ticket cash.

I don't think so!


#5 Parent Ranga Yogeshvar - 2015-06-21
Re China esl: Non-Native Speaker jobseekers

Do you have any more details?

Jim Beam - 2015-06-21
China esl: Non-Native Speaker jobseekers

This hiring season they are in trouble. Chinese immigration has instructed school FAOs to avoid hiring them. Those in China without new teaching contracts should exit the country before they are left with no air ticket cash.

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