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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2015-06-24
Re White Man Syndrome

There are many societies in the world where parents making little salary find a way to pick up their kids. The often maligned and criticized group of demographics of Single Mom in the West still finds ways to keep their kids around despite having to work several jobs. I am by no means some white knight champion of these types of women as they are often a model to others of what poor life choices gets you. But with Chinese parents, I put them on an even lower rung.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-06-24
Re White Man Syndrome

In societies like China, that is downright non-existent. Neglect of children as seen in schools where kids as young as 6 get left at boarding schools and only get to see their folks once or twice a week.

that may also have it's roots in economic hardship....parents go off to work to earn money, kids get left behind?

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2015-06-24
Re White Man Syndrome

Good points across the board. I definitely agree on the fact that criticizing a group of people is actually giving them more respect than disrespect because you are giving them the responsibility on faith that they are as intelligent as you are. You see this in societies in general when you criticize women, ethnicities, and religion. You get called mysoginist, racist, and hateful when it is in fact the groups you are calling out on who need to change their shitty behaviors.

Negotiation can only be used when the opposite party whom you are negotiating with was raised in a more peaceful and civil environment with parents who speak logically and behave rationally towards their children. In societies like China, that is downright non-existent. Neglect of children as seen in schools where kids as young as 6 get left at boarding schools and only get to see their folks once or twice a week. Hierarchy replaces Love which short circuits the mind biologically to empathize. The feelings of parental abandonment amongst younger children is becoming an especially big problem, from History it feels like Europe in the 16 and 17th centuries. The tens of millions of individuals who are raised unable to speak the language of empathy and compassion will ensure that this will get worse. My observations of younger Chinese folks who go abroad is that they are becoming only worse at being able to negotiate. A tragedy indeed.

Foreigners who are apologists for developing countries make the mistake of believing that people can change for the better, if only you give more of your time/patience/empathy/help to the targeted group. This is like giving CPR to Mummies, if I may make an analogy. The human mind is unable to change, especially the personality after a certain age. IQ differences in very young children actually become good indicators of general performance for the rest of people's lives from studies done by experts in Liberal Arts fields.

People who always try to appease the environment that they are in are Amoral Cowards in general. Their own minds are probably f***ed up in some way and they generally support the poison of Control and Conformity when it comes to the treatment of other foreign teachers. They would rather feel stuck up in their own idealogical bubble and have other expats pat them on the back for being such good little automotons. In reality, they are just children in adult bodies and nothing more than that.

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