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#1 Parent Rheno747 - 2006-05-30
You CAN, but there's a catch - Teachers Discussion

You can find a job teaching here, but there's a catch. You'll need to get a fake degree made up in Bangkok. I wouldn't go this way, though. It's too risky, not to mention lame. If you had a DEGREE and were thinking of getting a TESOL, I'd say definitely jump in and get a fake TESOL made up. TESOLS don't really hold much water in my opinion. They don't make one a teacher, so I don't put much stock in the TESOL.

Thailand requires one to have a degree to teach here. If you want to take the risk and come here, get the fake, and teach anyway, it's all you. You can get a fake degree made up, with transcripts, on Kaoh San Road in Bangkok. You may be fine. The odds of you getting busted are in your favor in the land of Thai. But if you DO get busted......

Sharon - 2006-05-30
Teaching English in Thailand

I want to teach English in Thailand and I'm finding it hard to find a position that doesn't require a uni degree. I have a TESOL cert (Trinity) but I don't have a university degree, does anyone know if I can teach in Thailand with just a TESOL cert and experience? Help please

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