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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-07-09
Re The epitomy of disrespect

I know, I suspect it is someone of chinese ancestry, but if they don't have something like that in their own country, it is no excuse.

Would love to see him try that at a US Army base or with soldiers of the Israeli Defence Force and see what happens......

#2 Parent Twice Shy - 2015-07-09
The epitomy of disrespect

That stunt was the absolute pinnacle of ignorance of other cultures. You never, ever, put your hands on the military protection of monarchy or embassy in ANY country. To be in the Queens Guard is of the highest honor in England for the military there. He should have been arrested, interrogated, and his embassy contacted for his stupid behavior. Just imagine the outcry of the guard had accidentally shot the fool. He would've been portrayed as a happy-go-lucky tourist who just made a mistake. Wound not have accepted any responsibility for his own actions. I won't go near a Philippine Marine other than a wave and a "Hi, maayong aga" if he or she was on duty with their weapon. Be like an asian in ANY asian culture. As if. To coin a phrase; "Enuf said".

San Migs - 2015-06-27
re: queens guard draws gun at chinese tourist....


Could be from HK or Thailand also perhaps. But most likely a mainland chinese. And before the GW/wumao brigade start on, imagine what would happen if a wai guo ren disturbed the flag raising at tiananmen square, or tried to touch the gun of a chinese policeman/soldier....they would be found floating dead in a river somewhere, or if they were lucky, deported, if they hadn't been shot first, thats what. This kid is lucky he didn't get shot imho....

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