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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-06-28
Re Gongqing College of Nanchang University

As has been discussed on here, even Nanchang is not a good place to live and teach, so would you expect the rest of Jiangxi to be any better?

The biggest problem jiangxi has is overcoming the peasant revolutionary mindset and joining the more affluent and developed parts of China in being more progressive and not stuck in the past. Nanchang really has nothing go for it, not many decent places to hangout, and the winters there are terrible.

Chris - 2015-06-27
Gongqing College of Nanchang University

Gongqing College of Nanchang University is one of the worst colleges in China.I warn foreigners!Do not even think of going there!The accommodation offered by the school is such a crappy place, where you will come across the worst bumper in your life! The internet connection sucks and no facilities in that shitty county.The dean of the college is the worst you will ever meet in your life! Stay away from that place!

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