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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-07-08
Re This is china and every1 with money in the west like china to be like this.

I agree with what you say about the higher quality Chinese brands, although I do own a few pieces of North Face clothing

Are you a mountain climber, and do you live in, or near Guilin perchance?

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-07-07
Re This is china and every1 with money in the west like china to be like this.

Thanks, although I may not be able to post as regularly as I used to. I may even seem to disappear again soon.

I agree with what you say about the higher quality Chinese brands, although I do own a few pieces of North Face clothing, it's probably one of the few clothing brands that I actually have a preference for. As for Septwolves, I've only purchased their socks, but they've got some seriously nice shirts.

The forthcoming and inevitable economic f**k up that is coming as a result of events taking place on the Chinese stock markets, will probably produce some absolutely hilariously shit wumao posts soon. They'll no doubt blame it upon foreign interference at first, but I'm not sure that the wumaos will even be able to take those propaganda orders seriously.

I do sometimes wonder if these wumaos are real wumaos, or merely the staff of shit training centres that have had their credibility destroyed by this site. Why the admin won't just ban them like any other site would... I think we already kind of know that answer to that question.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2015-07-06
Re This is china and every1 with money in the west like china to be like this.

I actually feel a bit sorry for the newer wumaos who are forced into typing all this bull***t. I think anyone with a twinge of conscience would quit this crappy job after a couple of months. It might actually have a lower shelf life than working at crappy training centers :D

Those brands you mentioned such as septwolves and bosideng actually aren't too bad in quality as I have purchased them and would prefer to buy those clothes rather than pay 200 dollars for an average quality north face jacket. Unfortunately for those okay local brands it seems like patriotism does not extend to the wallet for the chinese.

On another more upbeat note it's great to see you back on the forums John!

#4 Parent Haha - 2015-07-01
Re This is china and every1 with money in the west like china to be like this.

They don't argue over environmental impacts as well. Have you ever seen sparrows or pigeons in China? No, because they were all exterminated. Beside Pandas and only because billions are spent on them, you clwon't see any wild mammal in the Chinese countryside. Mosquitos and other pests however, abund, because their natural hunters are now extinct. This is no surprise that SARS always originate from China.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2015-07-01
Re This is china and every1 with money in the west like china to be like this.

They are very efficient at building infrastructure, power plants, and the like.

Chinese and efficient...in the same paragraph?! My eyes just rolled.

Yes, the trains may run like clockwork and with military precision, but then so does the high speed rail in Taiwan (noooo, can't mention that renegade province can we?) I am led to believe,and Japan also. FYI, Italy and Spain also have a high speed rail system, despite being much smaller countries, and they built it when they took time away from eating paella and spaghetti. So stop with the "we chinese are masters of the universe" line. The west had power plants,tractors, and roads while you were still eating rice and ploughing fields with water buffalo...if you are not careful it might be back to the rice paddies getting muddy again, esp if you piss off foreign investors.


In the 1950s, under the guidance of the Soviet experts, the CCP built the Sanmenxia hydraulic power station on the Yellow River. To this day, this power station only gives a generating capacity at the level of a medium-sized river, despite the fact that the Yellow River is the second largest river in China. To make matters worse, this project has caused an accumulation of mud and sand at the river’s upper reaches and raised the height of the riverbed. Because of this, even a moderate flood brings enormous losses in life and property to people on both sides of the riverbank. In the 2003 flood of the Wei River, the peak water flux was 3700 cubic meters per second, a level that may occur every three to five years. Yet that flood caused a disaster unprecedented in the past 50 years.

There have been a multitude of large-scale reservoirs built in the locality of Zhumadian, Henan Province. In 1975, the dams of these reservoirs collapsed one after another. Within a short duration of two hours, 60,000 people were drowned. The total death toll reached as high as 200,000.

The CCP continues wanton acts of destruction on the land of China. The Three Gorges dam on the Yangtze River and the South-to-North Water Transfer Project are all attempts by the CCP to change the natural ecosystems with investments amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars. This is not to mention those small and medium-sized projects to “fight with the earth.” Furthermore, it was once suggested within the CCP that an atomic bomb be used to blast open a passage on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to change the natural environment in western China. Although the CCP’s arrogance and contempt for the land have shocked the world, they are not unexpected.

There is some more genius chinese engineering and innovation at work!!!! An atomic bomb to blast open a passage, amazing logic, not!

#6 Parent yi - 2015-06-30
Re This is china and every1 with money in the west like china to be like this.

Chinese build a lot more than anyone do because they don't argue over semantics. They are very efficient at building infrastructure, power plants, and the like.

#7 Parent yi - 2015-06-29
Re This is china and every1 with money in the west like china to be like this.

China, currently the world's second largest economy, will overtake America for the first time in 2028. The country's gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to grow from almost $9 trillion in 2013 to $33.5 trillion in 15 years.check this http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/10536759/The-worlds-largest-economies-in-2028-in-pictures.html?frame=2763563

#8 Parent yan - 2015-06-28
Re This is china and every1 with money in the west like china to be like this.

China’s Top 10 Exports

The following export product groups represent the highest dollar value in Chinese global shipments during 2014. Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of China’s overall exports.

Electronic equipment: US$571,045,520,000 (24.4% of total exports)

Machines, engines, pumps: $400,910,983,000 (17.1%)

Furniture, lighting, signs: $93,390,874,000 (4.0%)

Knit or crochet clothing: $92,002,609,000 (3.9%)

Clothing (not knit or crochet): $81,453,227,000 (3.5%)

Medical, technical equipment: $74,020,496,000 (3.2%)

Plastics: $66,816,299,000 (2.9%)

Vehicles: $64,243,754,000 (2.7%)

Gems, precious metals, coins: $63,212,400,000 (2.7%)

Iron or steel products: $60,685,405,000 (2.6%)

Some of the industries supporting these exports, such as manufacturing electronic equipment and producing clothing, are labor intensive. This may explain why China’s unemployment rate was just 4.1% in 2014 — compared to the estimated 9% global average.

#9 Parent Nova - 2015-06-27
Re This is china and every1 with money in the west like china to be like this.

Everyone with money in the West is Walmart? Walmart is where the trailer trash go when their welfare checks come in.

Do you want the honest truth about how Chinese products are viewed in my country? Made in China means 'crap', 'cheap', 'will be broken in two weeks', 'may be coated in lead paint'. Chinese companies and designs are synonymous with 'poorly copied from a better Western model.' China doesn't exactly have a good reputation as a producer--but Chinese don't understand the concept of having a reputation, so the country generally doesn't even care.

#10 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-06-26
Re This is china and every1 with money in the west like china to be like this.

Where's your Chinese, homegrown supermarket brands in Western countries?

NOWHERE, that's where. (Don't worry, there's always Africa for you. But in truth, most good Africans don't really want you there either.)

Not due to market entry regulations, but they're obviously inferior and wouldn't last 2 minutes in the more competitive Western marketplace, where the Chinese brands like Hua Run/Vanguard and Yong Hui can't rely upon secret, unreprted state interference to either bail out poorly performing stores or make life more difficult for their foreign competitors.

Besides, it is muted that Western supermarket brands such as WalMart and Carrefour are considering pulling out of the Chinese markets altogether (I think they'll merely downsize) because although Chinese consumers represents a large percentage of the global population, that does not translate into a larger percentage of global sales. That's because many Chinese people away from the developed cities are cheapskates that would prefer to shop at dirty, local unlicensed markets run by unwashed rural farmers and will only splash the cash on quality products for corruption purposes or showing off!

But then there's luxury brands from the West... Sure, the Chinese Corruption Crew can't get enough of this shit and local brands like SeptWolves, Bosideng etc actually deserve a lot of credit for creating fairly decent products to compete with the western brands. What must be noted is that Western brands are destroying the Chinese in this area... If Chinese people aren't buying this shit at home, they're all travelling abroad en masse to buy it. Are Chinese brands creating the same amount of interest abroad? Maybe in tech rather than fashion, there's Lenovo and Xiaomi, but let's face it, most Chinese people still desire Apple products above all others.

Now, go and report that back to your Wumao division superiors... Western innovation twinned with Western capitalism wins again.

yan - 2015-06-25
This is china and every1 with money in the west like china to be like this.

Walmart and all selling stuff made in china. hypocrite: A person who fails to practice what they preach.

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