Return to Index › One of the best articles I ever read: "One battle the Confederate flag is still winning" by John Blake (CNN)
#1 Parent Twice Shy - 2015-07-13
Again the "Truth of the matter"

And as usual the truth is revealed. It's a soap box to stand on for decades now and is still true: If there is a difference of opinion between cultures it's always labeled racism. And the person who is not of the perceived minority is labeled the racist. I've been in "discussions", bickers, arguments, with these minority culture persons and when they can't support their argument or are losing the argument it then becomes: "You just don't like _________ people". Fill in your favorite flavor of arguing or still claiming to be oppressed culture. Recently an entertainer in the rap genre was using a common negative word for a particular ethnic group that they use themselves on each other and freely in public forums. This word has now been adopted by the labeled "white culture" to use on each other and their close friends or "brothers and sisters" in hip-hop, rap, and other similar sub-cultures. This has evolved over the last thirty years or so as new generations try to remove the lines of difference between culture divisions. However in a 'twitter tweet' (tweety bird speak bleah) this rap person was reaching out to his friends and besties. The ugly head of acrimonious racism assault opened it's eager all searching eye and began a barrage of disparaging and condescension. This person responded by saying times have changed, the world has changed, grow the f*** up. (Not an exact quote paraphrased here).
The North attacked the South on the basis of slavery because it has been a winner since the A.D. times. Slavery is, was, and always will be wrong. It is no surprise that the truth of the cheap labor vs. the industrialists is the actual reason for the differences between the two regions. Again can we bring the responsible parties out to explain these actions? No, they're long dead and gone. Peace.

Curious - 2015-07-11
One of the best articles I ever read: "One battle the Confederate flag is still winning" by John Blake (CNN)

A must read for those of you who are interested in the symbolism of the fall of the Confederate flag in the USA these days. John Blake explains that the real reason for the Civil War was not slavery, but the economics of the South that he calls Southernomics. Southernomics was about guaranteeing low taxes and cheap labor in order to attrack capital and businesses (mostly from the Northern states). In order to have cheap labor, it was necessary for the workers to remain submissive because of their being totally dependent on their employer for survival. Therefore: no unions, no free health care, no minimum wage, no free education, no food stamps of course, child labor and prisoners' labor. The author adds that the South does not care about the color of the workers: it's not a racial thing, it's an economic thing, and any color of workers will do as long as they come cheap and remain submissive. This was the economic model of the South before the Civil War and it has REMAINED the economic model of the South to this day. This model clashes with the model of the North ("strong unions, higher wages, robust government spending on education and public employee pensions", public infrastructure, etc). Whence the Republican/Democrat divide in American politics that is not going away any time soon, whether or not the Conferate flag totally disappears from public places in the USA.

Return to Index › One of the best articles I ever read: "One battle the Confederate flag is still winning" by John Blake (CNN)

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