Return to Index › (When in China) act more like chinese and less like foreigner.
#1 Parent The Truth - 2015-07-12
Re (When in China) act more like chinese and less like foreigner.

Learn mandarin,dress like Chinese, live like Chinese.
Why keep swimming against the current and making your life so hard?

Complaints about China are not about the food or dress or speaking Mandarin.

It is their value set.

The problem is that the Mainland Chinese are out of step with the rest of humanity.

#2 Parent yan - 2015-07-02
Re (When in China) act more like chinese and less like foreigner.

This is china. enuf said.

#3 Parent Haha - 2015-07-01
Re (When in China) act more like chinese and less like foreigner.

I almost forgot, I love doing the absolute minimum to get by at work, don't expect me to work my arse off when local employees won't. I do not owe you anything.

#4 Parent Haha - 2015-06-30
Re (When in China) act more like chinese and less like foreigner.

Totally agree, I love being greedy to death, backstabbing people, bullying the weaker (otherwise said, every Chinese), lying, cheating, stealing, only talking to people when I need something from them, pointing to and laughing at anyone different (disabled, fat, ugly, dark-skinned Chinese), talking about people right in their face using a language that they don't know (Spanish, French, German) then denying that I did talk about them when discovered.

I love being Chinese. And I tell them, do you have a problem with that? I am assimilating, fitting within the Chinese society, your should be proud.

#5 Parent EXTC - 2015-06-30
Re (When in China) act more like chinese and less like foreigner.

And then pick up all their filthy habits, inherent dishonest, and general superficial thought and language.

prof - 2015-06-30
(When in China) act more like chinese and less like foreigner.

Learn mandarin,dress like chinese,live like chinese.
Why keep swimming against the current and making your life so hard?

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