Return to Index › Re One of the best articles I ever read: "One battle the Confederate flag is still winning" by John Blake (CNN)
#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-07-14
Re One of the best articles I ever read: "One battle the Confederate flag is still winning" by John Blake (CNN)

Hard to find a good movie? Either the best movie streaming sites are blocked in China, or you are not looking hard enough.

#2 Parent Movie Fan - 2015-07-14
Re One of the best articles I ever read: "One battle the Confederate flag is still winning" by John Blake (CNN)

Tarantino's movies are not among my favorites.
Indeed, it's hard for me to find a good movie these days. Maybe I'm too picky. However, I did enjoy 'Atonement'. I recommend it to all of you. It's watchable online here in China.

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