Return to Index › Re Again the "Truth of the matter"
#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-07-16
Re Again the "Truth of the matter"


Sir James, who was the son of one of Mr Cameron's great-grand-uncle's, the second Earl of Fife, was awarded £4,101, equal to more than £3m today, to compensate him for the 202 slaves he forfeited on the Grange Sugar Estate in Jamaica.

The elite familes and the rich do run the world, you can choose to believe that or not.But these are facts and not socialist worker "propaganda" or "speculation".

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-07-16
Re Again the "Truth of the matter"

Britain has been the biggest colonizer and slave owning nation going. It still is. To serve in the Queens royal palaces, you must be of certain skin colour, and so on.

Until the monarchy is gone, Britain will continue to be a modern day state that supports slavery imho.

Enjoy your holidays...I see that they didn't let my English Lit post through, ace!!!

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