Return to Index › Re NYT article "The Revolt Against Tourism" mentions behavior of Chinese tourists abroad
#1 Parent martin hainan - 2015-07-29
Re NYT article "The Revolt Against Tourism" mentions behavior of Chinese tourists abroad

Although I have no personal acquisition of The Truth, I'm "guesstimating" that any judgement as to the collective behavior of a nation of people is ludicrous.
But thank you for your explanation of the term generation and the mathematical calculation of your culture's delayed fertility.

#2 Parent The Truth - 2015-07-29
Re NYT article "The Revolt Against Tourism" mentions behavior of Chinese tourists abroad

t all is a matter of development and doesn't happen over night. It took Germany over 70 years to become what it is today at global level; it took America over a hundred years to become the leading nation of the Western world, and it will take China perhaps another 100 or 150 years to reach a level where Western countries are today or nations like Japan and Korea already are.

I am guesstimating that it will take 2 generations, at least 60 years, before the Chinese begin to approach anything near to 'civilised and proper' behaviour when travelling or conducting business abroad .

Great for my nieces, far too late for me to pay a return visit.

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