Return to Index › WARNING!!!!AMARAPURA PARTNERS (myanmar)
#1 Parent Zinkydoodle - 2015-07-29


I have been working for this company for about a month, and I have to say, I've been having a pretty great time. I brought up this review during the interview, and they were very candid about what went wrong and how they've fixed it, and I haven't encountered any severe problems. Though this warning lists no specifics, the company said that in the past there had been late payments and disorganization. There is still some minor disorganization and last minute changes, but overall the bosses have been friendly and accommodating, the pay has been on time (and even early upon request), the housing great, and the classes good as well.

This organization isn't perfect, but it also deserves at least details behind a bad review. Though I have only been here slightly over a month, my coworkers who've been here up to a year, and my friend who completed a contract here, had few complaints. No one has been fired without a very good reason in the last few months.

I am personally very happy here, and would readily recommend this school.

chuck.S - 2015-04-19

There have been too many complaints to count with this "company."

Teachers, PLEASE beware. Myanmar is an amazing country and while there may not be a huge amount of job opportunities, DO NOT be a part of this "business"; it is not worth it under ANY circumstances. Newbies and veterans alike have either quit for VERY good reasons or lost their jobs for nothing. If you have been a victim of this "(dis)organization, please detail your grievances here on this forum. I know there are many of you out there...

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