Return to Index › Re Is that a Spartan in Brighton, UK?
#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-08-03
Re Is that a Spartan in Brighton, UK?

I already stated it is their business in their own home.

Sorry, but feminazi ideals will not wash with me!

#2 Parent Fifi - 2015-08-03
Re Is that a Spartan in Brighton, UK?

You obsess about sex, including how people chose to have sex in their bedroom. It's their business. Lots of hetero couples have sex in ways that are not very different from gay couples. Would you make a fuss about working with/having an instructor who/having a scout guide who, while being hetero, practices sodomy in his bedroom with his wife? Isn't it their business?

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-08-03
Re Is that a Spartan in Brighton, UK?

I personally would not attend a gay pride event, but each to their own. I also think it is sad that the scouts, an insitution which has done so much for young people, is now at the risk of being destroyed, all because a minority insist on their right to have sex in their way, and are intent to force it on the majority to be accepted, no matter what.

I am more of the what you do in your own home is your own business point of view, but don't force myself and others to accept your lifestyle or the way you do sex, it is getting to the point the bible may even have to be changed just to avoid offending the minority!


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