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#1 Parent Curious - 2015-08-10
Re: Re My story

I read the article. In Canada for example, it is illegal to possess pepper spray (but not in the US or Mexico).

The article does not talk about martial arts. I assume that it is legal in the UK to kick or punch someone who is attacking us, right?

As for the kitchen knife, it does not make sense to me that a person at home can't use whatever object to protect themselves.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-08-10
Re My story

No worries CL,

I have no desire to return to the UK anyway. Violent crime is 3X higher than the USA, and the place is a police state where now it is even ILLEGAL to use self defence:


But thanks, I reckon you are right about that. I assume the clipping of the passport means you cannot use it to travel, as the customs officer will recognize it as being invalid?

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