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#1 Parent Gerber Baby - 2015-08-17
Re Mongolian University of Film (KUDS) Ulaanbaatar

Have you received a contract yet? I emailed the recruiter to ask about some odd conditions. He responded that the school didn't know much about how to make contracts with foreigners because they have not had any foreign teachers before. I am quite certain that the affiliated Russian Joint School HAS in fact had foreign teachers before. Several turn up in just a Google search.

#2 Parent Gerber Baby - 2015-08-16
Re Mongolian University of Film (KUDS) Ulaanbaatar

Hi there. I also talked to them. The packet painted a different picture than the contract. I posted about both of them over at Dave's ESL cafe, here:


I also talked to a couple of other teachers in person, and the general consensus seems to be that the packet sounds good, but the contract is not.

Gatsby - 2015-08-10
Mongolian University of Film (KUDS) Ulaanbaatar

There is some guy fronting for this university offering jobs and I'm wondering if it's a scam or legitimate? He doesn't seem to be able to deliver a contract just a lot of flowery promises. If anyone knows anything please share with a post.

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