Return to Index › Meten english illegal visa
#1 Parent martin hainan - 2015-08-16
Re Meten english illegal visa

I can read. Can you punctuate?

What provinces do you know for a fact that, since the new regulations in 2014, do not accept official Chinese health examination booklets from other provinces ? Give one example!

I suspect you will not give an example because you likely will be proven wrong. And then you will not be able to lie to your FTs.

We are waiting.

#2 Parent baker - 2015-08-15
Re Meten english illegal visa

Can you read? some! not all idiot

#3 Parent martin hainan - 2015-08-14
Re Meten english illegal visa

The 2014-15 and 2013-14 residency permits in my passport right this moment BOTH come from different provinces and BOTH are based on physical exams taken in two other provinces. The provinces involved are Hainan, Guangxi (autonomous region) and Fujian.
Now: I welcome your current personal information.

#4 Parent peter - 2015-08-13
Re Meten english illegal visa

that is not correct different regions have different rules and some only accept local medicals

#5 Parent martin hainan - 2015-08-13
Re Meten english illegal visa

The medical exam can be taken in ANY province or autonomous region in China as long as it generates an official medical exam booklet.
My past two residency permits were generated with out-of-province medical exam booklets.

#6 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-08-13
Re Meten english illegal visa

If they send a new teacher to another PROVINCE for a medical, then it is very likely that Meten is processing what would be a not so legitimate visa for that worker. I would advise any new teacher at any school to read the stamp on their residence permit. If the stamp suggests that your visa is not registered for the province that you are working in, you are probably working illegally.

If a school is mostly relying upon China newbies rather than teachers with experience, that is indeed a very bad sign. Newbie teachers are easier to control and far more aware of rules and regulations. Not to mention that they are often willing to take a lower salary.

Jason high - 2015-08-12
Meten english illegal visa

if they send you to another city for your medical it means you will be given an illegal visa and face jail , a huge fine or deportation

and if you get in trouble or have an accident you have no help

i would say one of he worst schools to work for!

they also always make deductions from your salary or steal

the famous jason now teaches a TEFL course but he has no TEFL and is a baboon, [edited]

they try to hire teachers from outside china because no teacher in china wants to work for them and their tefl course is a worthless qualification

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