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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-08-19
Re sad aftermath of ESL "careers"

Some will move on to Taiwan, South Korea and then to Japan and make a modest but decent living. Some will stay in China and open their own schools and do reasonably well with it.

Well that is true. People do "move on" and others stay in the same place, seemingly forever. But you know what they say, there's nowt as strange as folk!!!!!

#2 Parent formerZhengzhou - 2015-08-18
Re sad aftermath of ESL "careers"

Oh no, there are definitely people who make a career out of teaching english abroad. Some will move on to Taiwan, South Korea and then to Japan and make a modest but decent living. Some will stay in China and open their own schools and do reasonably well with it.

For sure most aren't doing this for a career anyways but many think (rightly or wrongly) it should enhance, add, benefit whatever their career back home. It should.

#3 Parent zinkydoodle - 2015-08-17
Re sad aftermath of ESL "careers"

There are so many things wrong with this post that I don't even know where to start, but I can summarize them all with this:

No "career" is good when, at 50, you're still working an entry-level job.

Hedging your bets on marrying rich isn't a good idea for attractive young people, and an even worse idea for old folks with no careers.

There are ways to make an ESL career work, and the fact that these examples haven't fulfilled them does not reflect on the career path as much as their individual choices.

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