Return to Index › Why China need a strong military army?
#1 Parent juanisaac - 2015-08-22
Re Why China need a strong military army?

How do you know I can't pronounce your names? Have you ever talked to me? You don't know anything about me.
By the way, I studied Chinese history at the Chinese University of Hong Kong as well as graduate school. I know
plenty about pronouncing your names. I should also add that border war China had with India in the 1950s.

By the way I live in China and have been learning Chinese for some time.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-08-22
Re Why China need a strong military army?

Getting all nationalistic, because Mr Xi decided to copy one of Mr. Putin's holidays, are we?

#3 Parent bai - 2015-08-21
Re Why China need a strong military army?

I like how people think Chinese technologies are either fake or copied crap. This is called arrogance, and in china we say the arrogant one must lose. Japan copied almost everything from western countries too, and they are doing well, even surpassed western technology. Copying is also a way of learning. Keep thinking that way folks, so that one day you will wake up realizing that china is much stronger

#4 Parent xia.m - 2015-08-21
Re Why China need a strong military army?

you don't know anything about us - you can't even pronounce our names.

#5 Parent bai - 2015-08-21
Re Why China need a strong military army?

China never want to be an Empire, China do not want war, . China only interested in economy

#6 Parent Tian An Men Square Massacre enemy - 2015-08-21
Re Why China need a strong military army?

The military is a also a tool for the government to keep its people in order.
Yes, and certainly is the army a tool to keep China's people under government control! See Tian An Men Square massacre! It has not been forgotten!
#7 Parent juanisaac - 2015-08-21
Re Why China need a strong military army?

Are you sure about this? Last time I checked the Japanese are not a Western power but an Eastern one. As to a peaceful China, they did invade Vietnam in 1979 (one of several times) they have had wars with the countries of Indo-China. China has certainly had its great empires which it won through wars of expansion. The Manchus did certainly invade many of its neighbors and incorporated them into the empire, i.e. Mongolia and even territory west of Xinjiang.
YOu need to relook at your history again. The military is a also a tool for the government to keep its people in order.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2015-08-21
Re Why China need a strong military army?

China won't make war,for now there you are right. But they have invaded other countries, in the past!

net21 - 2015-08-20
Why China need a strong military army?

Reason One: In recently 5 hundred years, almost all the western countries invaded China, robbed China, they burned Chinese Imperial palace; Especially in Second World War China is the big victim, Japanese militarism killed more than 10 million innocent Chinese ! We China understand clearly if we don't have a powerful military army China may be invaded again ! In this world which country has more reason than China need a strong army ?

Reason Two: Chinese people are peaceful people, in the last 5000 years China was a the biggest country in the world and had the most powerful army , but China didn't invaded other countries! Chinese don't have invasion gene in their blood, other wise all the other countries should be one part of China at lease once !

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