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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-08-24
Re Supply and demand

It also cuts out useless unqualified Chinese staff too. I'm talking about real qualifications here, not English language Bachelors degrees awarded in China from low class local university.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-08-24
Re Supply and demand

Not really. You are out of pocket and the perpetual outsider as you have the expense of a visa, and the stress of whether they tell you to go home .

The craphouse walls are falling down baby!!!!

#3 Parent LaowaiLaowei - 2015-08-24
Re Supply and demand

Certainly, as you said it's almost like everything is made to increase the profits of these centers' owners while limiting the earnings potential of Foreign teachers.
These guys are certainly not stupid, they know that we FTs don't need them, that we can find students in a blink and earn a lot more money on our own.
Think about it you know, most training centers out here charge 200 per lesson to students in large classes (30-40 students) and then pay 250-300 per lesson to the Foreign teacher.

As a self-employed Foreign teacher you can charge them 100 per lesson in classes of maximum 10 students. I let you calculate the earning potential.
It's a win-win situation for both the Foreign Teacher and the students.

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-08-24
Re Supply and demand

A lot of those stricter visa regulations were probably created due to pressure from people that are in private education who are connected to the party in order to practice a blatant form of rent seeking, where they can limit the power of the foreign teachers and severely limit their earning potential, whilst significantly increasing their own.

Yet at the same time, some people in the government seem to show intent to clamp down on private training centres, their general lack of standards and maybe more importantly; the fact that they allow for the supposed infiltration of Western ideas.

There's always a lot of contradictions in this country.

#5 Parent LaowaiLaowei - 2015-08-23
Re Supply and demand

Way more than that in fact, 4000 teachers is only for the schools legitimately registered and allowed to hire Foreign Experts, the ones that can deliver working visas, I would estimate these at 30-40% of the total, 10 years ago it was maybe 20% so there is an improvement.

What hasn't improved in China are the salaries offered to Foreign Teachers, they haven't caught up with the cost of living, in fact they have gone down. I remember in the early 2000s, bottom offers were 12-14000RMB with free accommodation, today I see countless offers at 3000-5000RMB with a shared apartment for the same number of lessons.

And we should somehow be grateful to these employers? This is laughable.

There is a lot of money to be made in China as a Foreign Teacher, but too greedy local employers keep the lion's share and pay us peanuts. This is why more Foreigners, especially those married to locals with spouse visas, should work on their own, grab most of the students and make it difficult for shitty training centers and schools to find customers.

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