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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-08-30
Re Supply and demand

And god forbid, a girl is born, we all know what happens then, and which gender is really preferred, eh?

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-08-30
Re Supply and demand

Well, Beijing is apparently popular with gay Russian people escaping persecution back home these days, Shanghai has always had a vibrant gay scene, but I wouldn't really think that China in general attracts gay people. In fact, if I was gay, I'd probably avoid China, there's far gay-friendlier countries in this world. China isn't the most homophobic country in the world by far; but many people in the rural areas still hold rather conservative values; it's not so much being gay that would offend, but the failure to continue the family line.

There's also said to be cultural differences in the gay scenes of China and the West. Western gay bars and other such places tend to be very welcoming and inclusive; willing to take any shy and intimidated person under their wing, whereas Chinese gay people tend to rather cliquey and not so willing to welcome people into their little club, so to speak.

Also many gay men and lesbian women enter into 'marriages of convenience' in order to produce offspring and keep the family elders happy; as I mentioned before. This kind of arrangement would probably be considered to be completely and utterly morally wrong amongst gay people in the west, but Chinese people are finding it to be an increasingly normal thing to do.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-08-29
Re Supply and demand

Well, china attracts them like flies to....

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-08-29
Re Supply and demand

I'm a fair bit more atheist than you are. Let gays be gay lol.

But there's definitely many good reasons for using protection with anal, whether that be gay or straight anal sex.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2015-08-29
Re Supply and demand

Ignore the wind up merchant, everyone knew what you meant.

As for gays (and lesbians) remember what the book of Leviticus clearly states, man shall not lie with man as a woman..........

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