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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-09-02
Re Leviticus

Interesting post of yours, again I am still not crystal clear on everything, and a little confused, so sorry for that.

I thought the organisation in question you were referring to was Christianity or the Christian faith in the US and NOT Freemasonry, so thanks for clearing that aspect up for me, now I know that it is/was Freemasonry you were referring to, I can follow the thread better.

I don't have a problem with people and their religious beliefs or spiritual beliefs, except when it impinges on the freedoms of others.

Conversely, this can work the other way when militant atheists work against movements like the scouts all because they feel that gay Scoutmasters should be allowed, and that homosexuality be taught in schools, and that abortion should be allowed, and so on. By persecuting people of faith and being uber-PC they are impinging on the freedom of others, the freedom to worship as they choose, and believe in what they do.

? "In God we trust"; "One nation under God."

True, but the Old Testament is not law in the USA, not like the Quran is in say the KSA or used to justify bulldozing bricks onto women in Iran or so on.

In one survey of Americans it was claimed that 40% believed in Satan.

Interesting, the HK public library wi-fi actually blocked one link I clicked through to read about that under the grounds of "Religious Intolerance" as a message below a 404 error page. The following links worked however, I hope you find them interesting, as I did:


This caused outcry with the satanists facing off against the christians in the streets.



Not sure if you will be able to access the church of satan link in China, as it seems even a bit spotty here, but those actually seem like some pretty reasonable rules to me, and a good philosophy. It seems to give the impression that Satanism, is not about worshipping the dark infernal lord, but about self development and improvement, I particularly like 9,10,11 as guidelines:

9.Do not harm little children.
10.Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
11.When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.

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