Return to Index › Re Three things FTs have a right to expect
#1 Parent Curious - 2015-10-09
Re: Re Three things FTs have a right to expect

"a support to pollute communication channels for FTs and prospective FTs"
ohhhh this is well said....

#2 Parent Caring - 2015-10-09
Re Three things FTs have a right to expect

A local wife may, for an FT, make the Chinese culture more agreeable, and Ron has mentioned the "acceptance of local culture” in his original post. However the lacking rule of law or indecent treatment of local employees may matter for this discussion, the obtuse approach to the argument and poor debating skills on the topic are inexcusable given the fact that the “Doctor” is an icon of the esl teachers board. What is obvious (and sad) is that such professional posters get a support to pollute communication channels for FTs and prospective FTs.

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