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David - 2015-10-15
having guests in school apartments

I am just looking for some advice here based on your previous issues or experiences.

I started at a new school this year. I don't want to say where to avoid rocking the boat. One of the first things I noticed when entering the on campus accommodation was a rule list and one of the rules said strictly no overnight guests. I didn't worry to much at that time as most things in China are open to interpretation.

A few days later when chatting with one of the other foreigners, he just happened to mention that a previous foreigner was fired following several warnings about having overnight visitors. This worried me a little. To cut a long story short my girlfriend is in another country and has visited me in China in the past and stayed with me for several weeks at a time without issues.

I spoke tentatively to the FAO and he repeated the rules saying it is from the local PSB and it can't be ignored. He also said the school is not insured for it. I said if we were partners and working at the school would it be okay and he did not say yes or no but implied we would still be given two apartments. In fact there are a Chinese couple in our apartment block who are engaged to be married and are not permitted to live in the same apartment until they are.

I respect traditions, but is this just unique to this area or has anyone else experienced this? The only difference is that previously I have worked for training centers and this time it is a Government school. Does this have a bearing?

I appreciate I did not ask this question to either the school or any of the other foreigners I spoke with prior to arriving because I simply did not envisage it to be a problem. My girlfriend is rather pissed about this though and I am in a quandry as to how to proceed....

Any ideas?

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