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#1 Parent Laughing - 2015-10-28
Re having guests in school apartments

The powers that be obviously have something to fear nowadays

That's pretty funny, John O'Shei.

What exactly would they be afraid of in this situation?

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-10-28
Re having guests in school apartments

The powers that be obviously have something to fear nowadays; they're increasingly covering all bases.

#3 Parent Alex - 2015-10-28
Re having guests in school apartments

I can confirm that what both David and Paul have said has also been introduced in Hubei and is being rigidly enforced as of the start of this semester.

I am at a high school on the outskirts of Wuhan. I renewed my contract at the same school from last year and last year had no issues with having guests (male or female) stay over. This year, on return from the summer break there was a big notice clearly stating no overnight guests allowed and a letter under our doors requiring us to sign it and return it for their records.

I did query this with our Foreign Affairs Office and they said they had been instructed to follow this rule by the local PSB. No debate, its the rule so follow it attitude.

In the summer security cameras have also been installed and point at all of our doors. Again, apparently a PSB requirement.

There is not much we can do about it but it does seem to be being ramped up this year. A friend in Hefei also reported similar issues. It seems like China is returning to the dark ages in certain respects!

#4 Parent martin hainan - 2015-10-26
Re having guests in school apartments

The provinces of China that most abused the process of recruiting foreign teachers during the past few years, Shanxi and Shaanxi included, are under increased scrutiny by the the central government's education department.

The enforcement of regulations is always a provincial matter which trickles down to FAO departments; foreign teachers should choose to teach elsewhere.

#5 Parent Paul - 2015-10-25
Re having guests in school apartments

I came across this thread while looking for something about this topic.

I live in Luoyang, which is in the adjoining province to Shanxi. I am in a similar situation.

I have started at a new high school and last weekend brought my Chinese girlfriend who actually is at University in Zhengzhou to visit. Our apartments our within the school grounds but nowhere near the teaching buildings. The security simply waved us through but obviously had made a note of the fact I had a girl with me and at just after 10pm I had a knock at my door and it was our FAO and one of the leaders. They asked who my girlfriend was and then spoke to her saying simply that she can visit between 8am and 10pm but cannot sleep here. They offered to take her to a hotel and said if I wish to stay with her I can at the hotel but not in school.

I am 35 and felt like a naughty kid scolded by his parents. I didn't want to make too much of an issue so just went along with it. They took her to a hotel and then when she had checked in she sent me the address and I took a taxi. Of course when I got to the hotel I was immediately met with 'no foreigners allowed. we don't have a licence'. Given that it was already midnight we just said our goodbyes and would deal with it in the morning.

Subsequent conversations with our FAO revealed that my schools accommodation is only approved for foreign teachers and no guests are allowed. I also asked about renting an apartment and he said that even if I paid for it, the local police would have to approve of it for you to stay there. Just to check this theory I got my girlfriend to call a letting agency and arrange a viewing, when we arrived to view the apartment (ten minutes from my school) the agent immediately looked sheepish and my girlfriend said that they 'do no have the ability to lease to foreigners'. This may be a face thing but she said he said to her its a local police ruling and is simply too much paperwork for them.

So like David, I find myself in an almost identical situation. This is my fourth year in China and previously it has never been an issue, whether this is a new thing or is gradually being introduced it is a ballache. I was in Hebei three years and Ningbo last year. I never even thought to ask about it was not a problem previously.

Looks like I will just have to visit my girlfriend for now rather than the other way around.

#6 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-10-17
Re having guests in school apartments

It is Shanxi, not Shaanxi.

Indeed, my mistake.

#7 Parent Caring - 2015-10-16
Re having guests in school apartments

David, this is one of the many signs the country is backwards. The drive to globalize and be international was only to make quick money and then go back to the stone age. This way the dictatorship can be preserved.

#8 Parent Paul - 2015-10-16
Re having guests in school apartments

It is Shanxi, not Shaanxi. They are two different provinces.

But by all accounts from following the Yuncheng thread it is a hotbed of traditionalism. It does seem though there is nothing that one can do about it and each province seems to folkow their own rules. If it is like that in the provincial capital, It must be pretty full on in the smaller places.

#9 Parent John O' Shei - 2015-10-16
Re having guests in school apartments

That tells you a thing or two about Shaanxi. Not sure if the place really has much going for it apart from good noodles.

#10 Parent David - 2015-10-16
Re having guests in school apartments

Well as I had time on my hands today, I went with a Chinese friend to the PSB.

They confirmed it word for word. Taiyuan has certain areas which are off bounds to foreigners and all accommodation has to be pre approved before a landlord can even think about having a foreigner stay there.

Obviously Shanxi is very rigid on this.

#11 Parent Caring - 2015-10-16
Re having guests in school apartments

David, you may be right; it depends on the location and perhaps the PSB too.

#12 Parent Caring - 2015-10-16
Re having guests in school apartments

John, don't doubt it for a moment; you're not even allowed to live in a village. Not long ago, I attempted to register with a local PSB, when the officer told me I could not live there. China may have many laws, rules or regulations that are enforced according to local standards which means it is really hard to say what they do, or you could do, in different areas.

#13 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-10-15
Re having guests in school apartments

the FAO said the local PSB only permits foreigners to live in designated zones

Unless, you're in a military kind of area, I doubt it. It's not been like that since the 90's though, really?

You may as well ask the PSB directly.

#14 Parent David - 2015-10-15
Re having guests in school apartments

I guess really it was my fault for failing to ask. It just had never been an issue so I never gave it a second thought.

The school is fine, everything else is okay just some of the rules are irritating. I did speak to a friend in Chengdu who teaches at a University and he said that there is the same rule where he is but it is generally overlooked for the odd night or so but another foreigner brought his Thai girlfriend back with him and that didn't sit very well, then she was politely asked to leave after a week.

Maybe it is the location. I am in Taiyuan, Shanxi. Its not a rural area but the provincial capital.

I did ask at the prospect of getting my own apartment and the FAO said the local PSB only permits foreigners to live in designated zones and the schools liability insurance would not allow it.

It looks like I am going to have to just accept it for now or find another job which at this point is rather futile. Just hope the other half calms down in the meantime. Another Chinese lesson learnt!

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