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#1 Parent John - 2015-10-22
Re Blackmail and forgery laws, SAFEA penalties

What is their job?

I want to force the company--arbitration seems like a way to do this-- to give me the documents without any b.s., OR just get the work permit revoked on account that it was obtained illegally, and thus no longer have to depend on the company for anything, even at the risk of losing 5k.

Went to foreign expert bureau yesterday and showed them the fake signature. The officer might as well have laughed in my face, she was so unconcerned about it. She said the bureau cannot cancel the permit without the company's cooperation, because of something on the computer system (I have no idea).

I called Nanjing SAFEA. The man there said basically the same thing. He said I must go to arbitration to prove the signature is fake. Despite issuing the permit, they will not cancel it unilaterally. This man also told me last week that there is no rule mandating that companies provide either the release or recommendation letter, which seems to contradict the foreign expert bureau's words from recently.

My friend called the arbitration office. As she understood it (maybe not perfectly), the arbitrators will not make a ruling on the validity of a signature.

Something is not right here...

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-10-17
Re Blackmail and forgery laws, SAFEA penalties

Don't bother with the SAFEA too much, they'll often only act in the interests of the school, if bribed. Get a lawyer involved and make sure the SAFEA are forced to do their job properly.

John - 2015-10-17
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