Return to Index › 2 year Tourist Visas For Chinese Mainlanders
#1 Parent Master of Nuns - 2015-10-23
Re 2 year Tourist Visas For Chinese Mainlanders

@Martin, you do realise that it was David Cameron who restricted immigration in the first place. For example, if you had a Chinese wife and wanted her to settle in the UK before the Tories then it would be easy. If after 2012 you tried it you would have to meet certain financial requirements to be able to allow your wife to settle in the UK. Now I understand the logic behind the restrictions but they are very poorly planned and are based solely on income and don't take into account assets. For example someone could meet the required income but has to spend all their money paying off massive depts and rent. Whereas someone could earn £1 under the required income, own their own home and have no debt but he wouldn't be able to have his wife settle. You are free to marry anyone it seems, but to be together with the spouse you need to met certain requirements that disqualify 42% of the population. Cameron is not a national hero. Heroes don't shame the country by forcing the poor to go to food banks. So much for a 1st world country. National embarrassment more like.

The British government deserves the highest praise for this new visa policy. Cameron is a
national hero!

#2 Parent White fever - 2015-10-22
Re 2 year Tourist Visas For Chinese Mainlanders

Good, this makes it infinitely easier for those cross cultural couples, more Chinese ladies to marry British men soon :b

Martin - 2015-10-21
2 year Tourist Visas For Chinese Mainlanders

The British government deserves the highest praise for this new visa policy. Cameron is a national hero!


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