Return to Index › China-Proficiency of Locals Now vs Before
#1 Parent Caring - 2015-10-25
Re China-Proficiency of Locals Now vs Before

Some astonishing replies of professionals in the field. Let's hope readers won't take your careless suggestions and wish mods post this sum-up right after my original post.

#2 Parent Laughing - 2015-10-25
Re China-Proficiency of Locals Now vs Before

Why do you post if you care so little?

That is an interesting and amusing question.

Perhaps some mental imbalance.

#3 Parent Caring - 2015-10-24
Re China-Proficiency of Locals Now vs Before

Why do you post if you care so little? This sure isn't a topic for backpackers but for ones who try to make a difference. I hope there are some of those on this board.

#4 Parent Cubie Hubie - 2015-10-22
Re China-Proficiency of Locals Now vs Before

And I see a trend to slightly misspell words, which worries me much more. For the rest, I could not care less!

Yet, I see a worrying downword trend overall.
Caring - 2015-10-22
China-Proficiency of Locals Now vs Before

I am experiencing a decline in the young locals' capabilities to cope with English language today; and, when I compare their communication skills today versus 13 years ago, I see some hard to comprehend differences. Understandably, the level of English some major cities locals demonstrate may differ from the one small town young people master. Yet, I see a worrying downword trend overall. What some other foreign experts experiences are would interest me.

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