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#1 Parent Laughing - 2015-10-23
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Yes, forum monkey. I knew you had it in you.

Keep me laughing with your silly antics.

I would be further amused to learn what you believe my other "aliases" to be.


By the way, does "you and both of your aliases" equal three or only two? Some clumsy English there.

Funny though!

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-10-23
Re Need advice

No one takes this forum seriously.

If that is the case; why did you and both of your aliases make the effort to post on here? :D

Maybe that's why there's always a GW like you defending a shit employer; because nobody takes this forum seriously!

Next, you'll be saying that nobody takes similar sentiments in offline expat circles seriously too. Probably expressing such beliefs by barging into a conversation held by a few foreign teachers at a pub; as old China hands advise some young teacher who has been screwed over by their employer.

You won't be made to feel welcome there either. So bugger off!

#3 Parent MartinLivesInHisOwnOldWorld - 2015-10-22
Re Need advice

Hi Martin,

The first problem is that I assume she has decent reading comprehension but also the common sense to understand the advice isn't to start traveling all over China in some loop and just somehow write down offers then keep traveling around all of China until all schools have made offers and whatever other stupid incomprehensible misunderstanding you have.

Now, you are from the old days and like most people who are a decade old you are stuck in your old ways of your first experiences and think thats how it must still work. You even admitted this by insisting 'Skype and Emails' lol.. what are you from 1997 wow!

So, in case you were wondering she wasn't asking if she should just continue using 'skype and email' talking to the thousands upon thousands of recruiters which would require her to send millions of emails if she was to contact all of them either lol.

Now, if she want to directly email, QQ and phone schools from her home country overseas thats now much better than doing it through a recruiter. (again, she probably understands Im not advising her to just keep phoning all schools in the entire country.

Instead, the best advice from an objective PoV is that a would-be foreign teacher starts by choosing a city they'd best enjoy, fits their budgets, their interests, their tolerance levels. She can do that FIRST above all else. A big reason for that is because what city they live in will be a MAJOR factor in determining their job satisfaction and durability and sanity and whether they quit in 3 months or stay delighted for a year or more.

Once in that city and on a tourist visa they have a 100 schools to choose from in any major city for sure. (as in 5 millionish type cities). In a single afternoon meeting and networking with some foreign teachers in that city she will be notified of a dozen schools looking for foreign teachers. In a few afternoons of simply sightseeing but then popping into schools they spot along the way she will have 20 possible interviews.

But she will have a huge objective advantage using this tried and tested way - absolutely no leverage is over her. She is on a tourist visa and can take or leave anything. She is not relying on any school holding her hostage, she isn't worried about them doing her Z-Visa ASAP.

I'd actually go even further and say she should not just start by choosing the ideal city first but actually go there and find a neighbourhood and ideal district and do that first.

Then go enjoy a sunny walk and quite seriously start by visiting the 5 nearest schools (start by walking distance, travel time) and she will have a job offer AS GOOD OR BETTER than anything your stupid old recruiter by skype only-used-by-dodgy-newbie-exploiters plan.

Get out of what worked for you 10 years ago (and you don't know any different) and get with the times. And start using common sense reading comprehension. Holy hell you sound like your brain is becoming Chinese "Hmm he said visit all schools in China but China is a huge land mass!". Wow. just wow. Chinabrain has set in you poor aging bastard :(

#4 Parent HerpidtyDerp - 2015-10-22
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Nobody is telling the OP to break any Chinese visa regulations!

In fact, the overseas internet recruiter is surely going to tell her to get an 'L-Visa' and she ought not worry because they will start her Z-Visa when she arrives anyways.

But, just so you can learn about Chinese visa regulations: I made a point of telling the Chinese Visa Centre I was certainly hoping to travel and inquire and hopefully do job interviews in China. They agreed that was a great idea and wished me luck while handing me a 6-month double entry visa.

They did that because there is absolutely no problem, no rules broken, nothing against any regulations for any L-Visa tourist to have as many job interviews as they want. Indeed, what else would that even be but 'touring' schools or businesses.

When hired then yes the Z-Visa (working visa) is now coming into play. Its the same exact issue she has taking a job over the internet via a recruiter and eventually lands and walks physically into that school!

And I would bet the chances of her having Visa shenanigans through an online recruiter hiring are FAR GREATER than doing it the way we're suggesting here!

#5 Parent Laughing - 2015-10-22
Re Need advice

Don't fret about the peculiar response here, Mr. long term esl teachers board lurker.

No one takes this forum seriously.

It's only good for a laugh.

Keep us laughing, Mr. "O'Shei" (and your other screen names). Your over-the-top vitriol is truly humorous.

Keep on dancing, forum monkey. Your antics continute to bring a smile to my lips.

#6 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-10-22
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You obviously chose the side of corrupt Chinese businessmen that f**k over many a foreign teacher. You certainly aren't a true foreigner, as you have become yet another grovelling weasel that has joined forces with them. Therefore, you are not welcome, as you are equally as bad as them.

#7 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-10-22
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People tend to focus on just one or two cities when making these trips; only an idiot would try to cover the entire country.

#8 Parent Long time esl teachers board lurker - 2015-10-21
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I'm not Chinese.

#9 Parent martin hainan - 2015-10-21
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Don't be overwhelmed

Imagine telling a Chinese citizen to fly to the United States to "walk around and stop in" at schools looking for a job.
The land mass of China and the U.S. is approximately the same and China has four times as many residents and countless more 'schools'.
I've been working in China for ten years and speak Mandarin. If I was considering a job in, say, Shanghai, I could spend months visiting different universities and private schools. I would certainly be overwhelmed.
The expense and time commitment alone makes this an impossibility. In the real world, research is done on-line and communication occurs on skype and in emails.
Too often foreigners in China believe that their idiosyncratic personal experiences in China is generally applicable. Communicating your experiences is valid and perhaps valuable, but giving advice is assuming responsibility in a situation with which you have limited knowledge, of both China and the person you have chosen to advise.

#10 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-10-21
Re Need advice

Yeah. We're not Chinese and we don't care for your bullshit, [edited].

When it comes to moral interests, such as preventing teachers from getting cheated by dodgy Chinese business practices; your supposed legality holds no importance to us, we care for our own because we aren't race traitor scumbags. We'd rather break your laws and not get screwed over by doing our little job seeking reconnaissance missions on a tourist visa. We might even do a bit of the old tourism, whilst we're there on our tourist visas too?

After all, he is only looking for a job and as long as he is prepared to return to his country to complete the visa application procedures as normal; your law enforcement authorities would have a very difficult time of proving any wrongdoing. However, for most teachers; travelling to China without the guarantee of a job offer and with the possibility of having to shell out for a second flight is too much trouble.

#11 Parent Long time esl teachers board lurker - 2015-10-20
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So what you are telling this poster to do is break Chinese visa regulations ?

#12 Parent CZZWarningDude - 2015-10-18
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Don't be overwhelmed and here is the best advice I can give you which is..

- do not talk to any recruiters or any schools. instead get an L-visa (tourist visa) from China. and yes you can mention you may also interview with some companies in China with primary reason tourism. get the 6 months version.

- before you go get QQ international and Wechat. Ideally have a few Westerners who might meet or guide you around a bit.

- Spend your time in China quite literally walking around sightseeing and just plain stopping in at the English Training Centres in person. As well google or 'Baidu' search schools. Phone them directly. Go visit them directly.

but do not sign anything before you go. do not go through a recruiter. do not try to get a work-visa before you go.

Pam - 2015-10-16
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Hello, I'm an ESL teacher already certified. I'm looking for an ESL job in Shanghai. I live in Canada. I'm becoming very overwhelmed with the process. I have read some the articles here about stuff not to send online plus to be careful of so many scams and bad recruiters. I'm so frozen now I don't know where to go or what to do next. Can an experienced teacher please tell me the names of some very good reputable recruiters without referring to further lists and boards with endless reviews that leave me even more confused. Does someone out there know the name of one or two good recruiters that deal with schools in Shanghai? Someone I can trust to handle the whole job relocating process.

Thank you!

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