Return to Index › STAY AWAY from GPEX/ITP Edu in Malaysia- esp Penang
#1 Parent GPEX No no no - 2016-01-07
Re STAY AWAY from GPEX/ITP Edu in Malaysia- esp Penang

B is the initial of the boss' name :) The company is poorly managed with widespread nepotism, but fundamentally it's run by someone who doesn't have the employees' benefit at heart

#2 Parent Brainsmart gpex itp penang malaysia - 2016-01-04
Re STAY AWAY from GPEX/ITP Edu in Malaysia- esp Penang

well-said. I worked for them for a few months, it was called Brainsmart in that time. they paid me half of those illegal foreign teachers' salary, working twice as much. You know what, actually the name says it all, Brainsmart!!! really?! brainsmart?! that company?!

Keep changing names bro, go on, seems there is no one to stop you. good luck

#3 Parent just wondering about itp / jpex - 2015-11-26
Re STAY AWAY from GPEX/ITP Edu in Malaysia- esp Penang

there must be something really wrong with that place then.thanks for the information. I am just wondering why they treat teachers like that? and who is B?

#4 Parent GPEX No no no - 2015-11-23
Re STAY AWAY from GPEX/ITP Edu in Malaysia- esp Penang

Yes the place has gained notoriety as an unscrupulous bookseller, education provider, employer. The so-called 'bosses' of the company - the "B", "E", "L" are some of the most untrustworthy and manipulative people ever. It's a norm for the company (with a staff of about 12) to have 7,8 teachers resigning in a year. They are especially known to give grandiose promise of company expansion, oh we have investors from mainland China and HONG KONG and several partnerships within the country so we'll be going into the Northern Malaysian market, Kuala Lumpur, Vietnam, other parts of SEA, HK and China. So far this is just to duped the staff into thinking they have a future there and for not getting any bonus or any sort of incentives in the company. Watch out for the company in terms of pay, they are a tight paymaster as they are dishonest. There is no allowance for the frequent travelling among schools and no health/dental coverage. Your pay is what you get minus the few ringgit off which they don't think you'll notice from the pay check. They are also known to coerce new teachers into accepting a much lower pay under the impression that there will be an adjustment after the 3-month probationary period. That day of salary adjustment will never come. They will also give projects (at the very last minute) like slide preparation for teacher training and conducting workshops to teachers with the promise of a certain fee, which they won't honour. Other than that, the management is known to bad mouth colleagues to each other to create tension among them. Somehow they think a disunited staff would divert the attention away of how dysfunctional the company is.

Sundays are treated as any other days in this place, most teachers have to work Sundays (no compensation given), there is also no extra work hours claim, teachers needing to do photocopying have to pay out of their pockets and the moment you start work in this company, you have your personal phone number (where the bill is foot by you) distributed/plastered on notices given to parents and students. So on and off you will accept calls, on your personal mobile phone, of angry parents who got cheated by the company or students who haven't gotten their t-shirts or certificates. Be mindful also if you do not corporate with the management, things can get nasty, tHe 'B' - [edited] is known to cut away one's privileges at work (transport or give untruthful references to your future employer) among other things. [edited]

I very strongly agree with the writer of this post to STAY AWAY from this company, it is illegal, they keep changing company names, there are no teaching permits granted for the teachers, they don't pay/treat teachers well.

#5 Parent Teacher Penang - 2015-10-24
Re STAY AWAY from GPEX/ITP Edu in Malaysia- esp Penang

You can read it time and time again on the internet where a teacher who is dismissed from a company vents his/her spleen anonymously online with throwing accusations around about things he/her knows nothing about.

If this company got you a working visa then you weren't working illegally and you were probably stated as non-teaching staff on your contract & visa because you either don't have a first degree or a recognised teaching qualification so for visa purposes it isn't possible to recognise you as a teacher. In which case you are responsible for being underqualified and should have been grateful for the break and seen it as an opportunity to get qualified whilst working.

Why someone wearing tights to work (you should have addressed it with her directly if you felt so strongly, are you always this ineffective?), or whether the company has a policy of employing within the owner's family/why the sexuality of a foreign manager is mentioned in your post is clearly indicative of your resentment at being dismissed but totally off topic.

You clearly weren't "happy you left", you were dismissed for being disrespectful. That falls under gross misconduct. If you were so unhappy then you ought to have left earlier and found employment elsewhere, life's about choices and taking responsibility for yourself not blaming everyone else when something doesn't work out for you.

NowIKnow - 2015-08-08
STAY AWAY from GPEX/ITP Edu in Malaysia- esp Penang

Greetings fellow ESL teachers. This is a warning so you don’t waste your time or energy to relocate and try to work with a school that looks good from the outside, but is not only poorly organized and autocratic, but also WORKS ILLEGALLY.

I am happy that I left GPEX/ ITP Edu (a language school that works in high schools) when I did. Before discussing their illegal actions, one thing worth noting is that while the local teachers there and all other foreigner teachers dressed professionally as teachers should, there was one white South African female teacher who consistently went to teach at the same high school as the other teachers wearing a t-shirt, tights, and slippers! She actually embarrassed me as I was working with the same school. Somehow that never fazed the management (perhaps in the same way that they were never bothered or too cheap to put toilet paper in the washrooms).

Shortly after a few weeks of signing the standard contract that we agreed on, I was asked to sign another clause or contract “that’s just an extra one”. However, I couldn’t take this contract home to read it over or make a copy. This one said that I was HR staff! Clearly they were evading taxes with having foreign teachers. I asked my (foreigner) manager about it, and he couldn’t give a straight answer (no he wasn’t gay). I asked some of the local teachers there, and they didn’t say much to me, although I think they might have spoken to local management.

Typical to Asian styles of communication, they were not transparent about changes in my pay, and a few weeks later when I asked my boss about the amount being paid to me that day, he acted insulted that I would ask. The school then used this as fodder to make a case of me being “disrespectful”, but it was my questioning around the fake contract that they were afraid of, so they made up some b*s notion that I disrespected them and asked me to leave.

In a nutshell, the local staff there are almost ALL RELATED to the boss, and they do almost nothing to assist when you ask, but are quick to critique you when you are trying to get things done. Their communication within the staff is deplorable for a school. Not to mention that the main school that they work with has many issues that makes teaching those kids a nightmare. And last, the boss might present himself well as a foreigner that’s on your side, but when push comes to shove, he is just a puppet, so after giving your feedback, gripes and suggestions, nothing changes. He also doesn’t do too much in way of team building. I would say that the most positive thing about working there was the very pleasant, punctual and cheery driver we had.

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