Return to Index › WORK VISA HELP
#1 Parent Francis - 2015-10-28

It's likely that the foreign teacher holds a UK passport as his/her e-mail address ends co.uk. So a visa run to Hong Kong could be possible in the future before the student visa expires if Hong Kong will cooperate. Till then he/she would be vulnerable for illegally teaching.

All is not lost, but the situation is not good. Best to clarify with the agency ASAP before panicking.

#2 Parent martin hainan - 2015-10-28

Your contract is not valid and is unenforceable.

If you accept ANY payment in RMB you will have broken Chinese law and be subject to fines and deportation. The agency and school are composed of Chinese citizens who could care less if that happens to you.

If you are a U.S. citizen, even if you go to Hong Kong you will be unable to get a Z visa.

If you did do any research prior to coming to China, you should know all of this.

Your decision to protect the identity of the agency is immaterial; they are all the same.

Go to the agency and rip up the contract and refuse (or return) any payment. If they threaten you, they are posturing. So far they are the ones who have broken the law.

Perhaps now is a good time to stroll around and meet some helpful foreigners and check out some schools while you are in China on a student visa, as some delusional, and apparently independently wealthy, contributors to this forum have suggested.

Buggzie - 2015-10-28

I'm so confused, just arrived in China, signed agreement (contract) with an agency (won't say who), I only have a Student visa (X2) and it is valid for 180 days. The Agency has arranged a placement with a school in rural China, now the bit I am confused about is working in a school with a Student X2 visa.

Prior to coming to China I have researched, read and read about working illegally without a proper work (Z) visa. Now the Agency has reassured me that it is okay, 'no worry for visa, everything fine', so they say.

Somebody please tell me the regulations, apparently you can't get work (Z) visa for less than 12 months and Chinese laws are flexible with Student visas, apparently. I travelled here solo and don't know any other foreigners who can advise me sadly. The agency is being awkward about connecting me with other foreign teachers.

Also I have not done medical check prior to entering China, I was sponsored to enter as a student so I could then go to HK to get medical test and Z visa sponsorship, and this has not been done. The alarm bells are ringing and I don't know where to turn as I have signed a contract with the agency. Am I being fooled?

Help!! ASAP please, I am supposed to be starting at the school on Monday.

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