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#1 Parent drrjon - 2015-11-03

I am a native speaker of English and I have never lived "on the run". I simply pointed out a legal method for obtaining a visa which allows a person to work. This applies for teaching and non-teaching jobs. I also would not accept this type of visa for a job in the countryside. This visa is for those who attend the required classes, although many people fail to understand this requirement and run into trouble.

#2 Parent cautiouscarl - 2015-11-02

Referring to opinions it seems you have them too.


Are you saying you support someone not having the correct documentation and advocate the dodgy practices that are so often highlighted here? That I do want to hear your opinion about!

#3 Parent cautiouscarl - 2015-11-02

I never said you was. If you read my message carefully you would have realised that. A native speaker of English would have done so.

I do know for fact that the OP who asked in the first place was recruited by Enfly as I have personally been in contact with her and quite frankly what she has said is simply appalling about the web of lies they have spun her. Luckily she has the financial ability to get out before she gets stuck in their web.

If you or anyone else chooses to ignore the warnings and like living like someone on the run then that is your own right but I certainly would not wish to. Again I advise anyone heed the warnings which have been plastered everywhere for ages and ages, the days of prancing around China ducking and diving are getting thinner by the day and it is your ass on the line.

Good luck!

#4 Parent Laughing - 2015-11-02

The regular posters on this forum don't need facts.

They have opinions!

And some of the most eccentric ones you could imagine, oh my!

#5 Parent make statements - 2015-11-02

Was not recruited by Enfly. So many people here make statements without any facts. I provided some information based on my own experience.

#6 Parent cautiouscarl - 2015-10-31

It probably could be used but the question is would you want to be looking over your shoulders all the time?

All it takes is for a sweep similar to what happened in Yuncheng and any backhanders that have been paid become irrelevant.

I know for a fact ENFLY have started sending people to China on an X2 visa. A poster on here talked about a similar gambit and whilst not directly mentioning them, its odds on that he/she was recruited by them. Probably because this gives the longest time in China without the need for a resident permit.

I urge anybody to take heed of what is said over and over on this and other boards do not take the risk of working on anything other than a z visa (other than perhaps no more than a month at the start of a new contract if you are certain that a HK visa run is doable and the school can legally hire foreigners).

Its your ass on the line and you that would ultimately be the fall guy not any agency or recruiter should you get busted.

#7 Parent Rin - 2015-10-30

Can said student visa be used by an FT to teach in a Sichuan county without harassment by the local PSB were an under the table payment to have been made in advance to the county PSB by an agent? Most certainly, in my view - and I know of a Sichuan agent who wouldn't think twice before going down that route!

#8 Parent drrjon - 2015-10-30

There is a student visa available that allows for work. I know that this the case in Chengdu. Many non-native English speakers use this visa to hold down jobs. In my case I was denied a new work visa because I have been here for more than five years. I enrolled at a University for some language classes and applied for this visa. The visa stated that I was allowed to work but I did need to attend classes. In your case it sounds like the agency is taking advantage of this visa with no plans for you to attend classes. They are probably paying a staff person at a University to fake your enrollment. Could be trouble.

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